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Show "MISEUERE, D0 1\UNE." u 1\fiSERERE, Domino l" Tolling l>olls mnko moumful wall, Heart Is sick nnd chork ill pal<', Truth and justice serm to fail ! Lord our only prayer shall bo, ' "1\liser{lre, Dom.m e I " "1\Iiscrere, Domino l" Thiele tho nir with death nnd sin I Days of wrath nre ushered iul Doom nnrl judgment now begin I Thou our Hock, om· Jtcfugo bo, "1\Iiscrcre, Domino l " "1\fiRcrorc, Domino I" Heroes' blood against us cries; On out· souls th(l clark stain lies; Our bands boand the ancrifico. from on r ov il set us free I "IHiserorc, Domine I " "1\Iiscrere, Domine I" One man for tho people dies, Seeing, with prophetic eye!!, Ouly thus Thy Truth can ri1:1e. Help us, I.ord, that truth to see: "1\Iiserorc, Domine I " "1\Iisercre, Domino I " We must reap as we hnve sown I 'I'honglttlcss, hearties~, f11ithlrss grown: Seeking self, nnd self alone. In this d11y Thy wrath wo see, " 1\Iiserere, Domine I " "Misororo, Domino I " Tolling bell, with dreary sound I Martini tramp along tho ground I Shuddering thousands gathered round I llltter sbnll tho harvest LeI "l\1iserere, Domine I " WoncEBTER1 December 2, 1859. "1\'fisercro, Domino l " l\Iny we, 'neath the ~allows' shade, Sacred now nnd holy mnllo, Lenrn the lnw this Saint obeyed. For our faithlessness to Thro, "l\1iserero, Domine l" "1\lieorerc, Domino I " On our lH•nrts that gallows weighs; nut its wood~ in coming dnys, Wt•ll mny sot tho land nblazo. Glvo us, Lord, that li~ht to see I ".Miscrore, Domino I " "l\tlsorcro, Domino I" Darker gt·ows the lmtoful ~>tnin: Ilenvior weighs tho curs6Lt cbuin : Bitterer far thy children's pnin. Lord, th eir cry ascends to Thee, "l\Ii1.1erero, Domine I " "Miserero, Domino I" Tolling bells nccuso agnin, Jdlo seem out· prnyers, and vn!n, While our llnnds thy work disdain, ·work to ~;ct our brethren free, " Miscrcro, Domine I" ":Misorero, Domino I" :Mnko us instruments to snve I 1\fn.y we, o'er n ltoro's grave, Lcnrn tho lesson of the brnvo. We, in weakness, como to Tboe, "1\Iisorero, Domine I " HJ\Jisercrc, Domino I " From the darkness of this hour, When tho clouds of evil lo"cr, ?t1ny tho dawn brenk forth in power I .Answered then our prayer shall bo, "Miserero, Domine!" I. SERVICES AT CONCORD. THE martyrdom of John Brown was most worthily cele. brated at Concord, l\Iassachusctts. The town which in. auguratcd the fir t American " In~urrection" wa faithfu l to its traditions in doing honor to the fil' t martyr of the second and the grander Revolutiou; and, unlike other towns, equally zeal. ou' for ju tice, and equally de iron of doing honor to the merits and memory of John Brown, it possessed more men by natm·e fit for the occa. ion, than any other communiry of the same population in the Union. The meeting at Concord assembled in the Town Ilall at two o'clock in the afternoon, Dec. 2d, and wa. called to order by tlJC lion. ~imon Brown, who Raid that on this clay Virginia had inflicted on herself a worse blow than all her enemies l1ad ever done or could do; she had, under the forms of law, mur dered her tru('st friend. Rev. E. II. SEARS, of Wayland, offered up the following PRAYER. Our Father who art in l1eaven, we deRire nt this hour to gather our. ~elves clost'r within thine omnipotence and mercy; for when a sense of this world's oppres~ions and wrongs hangs heavily upon us, to whom shall we go but unto thee? Tl10u do~t uni te us to thyself by tics of filial love, and to our fellow-men by the tics of n common l.>t"othcrhood, for thou hast given us all one human heart. Look down at this hour from thy ha.ly heavens, nnd extend thy protecting providence ;) 7-;;. (437) |