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Show Wendell Phillips. to enue1sc. She could only how. It j~ the most striking c vid <•n •e of' the maje:-;ty of the action. T h •rc is one picture whieh stanch; out in bright r rl iel in this event. On that mountain-~ide of the Atlirondaek, up among tJ1c snowR, tiler ' i~ a. plain cottage-" plain liYing, and high thinking," a. \Vordsworth ~ay~. G roup<'<~ t~1 crc are a Htn"lily of girls and boys, hnrdly over tw: nty ; fnilltl·g· upremc, the maiestic spirit of n.man just entcnng age- ld' one purpo.c. OtiH·r men breed th •ir sons for ambition, avarice•, tracle ; he breeds hi ' for marty nlom, ::\ll<l they ncr pi . ·rencly thcit• pine '· . Hardly a book under its roof but. the. Bi.ble. No sound so familiar as pray ·r. lie take' them tn Ius n ght hnntl and in his left, antl goes down to the land of bon<lagc. Like tJ1e old Puritans of two hundr '<l year~ ngo, the mu='kct arc on one side and the pike.' npon the othe r ; but the morning pray<'r goes up from the domestic altar, as it did l'rom the lips of Brew: ter and Carver, and no morsel i~ ev r ta~ t.<'d without thnt same grace whic·h wa. mnd' nt Plymouth and Salem; anti at Ia. the flin g;:; himself against the gigantic system, which trembles under his single arm. You mea. ure th e strength of a blow by th ' force of the r 'bound. l\fen thought Virginia a Commonwealth ; h' re\'cnl · it a worse than Au trian de~poti: m. Neighbors d:ue not speak to ear.h other; Courts cannot waiL forth\ slow step or Saxon form, anu saf ·guards ; startled Judges hn.vc no time to take notes of testimony ; no mnn cnn travel on the highway without a pa Hport; the t ·l<'grnph wires arc seal ,d except with a p<' rmit ; ill S tate shak s beneath the tramp of cannon antl arm tl m n. 'Vhat docs she fear? CoN ' fENCE. Th apostle has come to tonn •nt her, and he find ' the weak •st 8poL h<• rs ·lf: She dares not tntRL the u:;ual forms of jnsti ce. Arraigne<l jn what .·he calls her cout·t, is a. '''Oumled man, on a pallet, unable to stand. The civilized worhl stantls aghast. She snys, ''It is ncccssn.ry." 'Vhy? ''I stand on a vok nno. The 'fitnn. arc h •:winf?; l><' JH':IIII tho mountains. Thought - the cart hq uake of cou:::eie11Ce ~ - i::~ W cn<.kll Phillips. J J 7 below me." It is tll <' ncknowh-<lgnwnL of <l f' l<':1t. The' Hom:tn thougltt , wlH'n h ' lookc •tlupon tht• ('m:-:~, tha t it w:ts th e\ ~y mhol or inf~uny-onl y the vil l':-i l. f't· lon ltll llg th (' rt'. Ouj\ !"(H' IT <l l':w riliee, aml the cross nestles in ottr IH •nrt:-;, th<' c· mblc•m of cn •ry thing holy. Virginia (• n •c·t::; IH·r giblH·t , r <' pul:--i\ <' in Jl:lllle and form. One man goes up f'rom iL to God, with two bttnllre<l thousand broken fetters in his hand:;;, and h<• ncvl(>rt h it is sacrctl forever. I said, that to vindicate Puritani:-im, the <'hil<lr<·n must he lH' tter than the f~ttll<' rs . Lo, this <'v<• nt ! Brewstc•r, :llld ( ':trYl'l', ancl Bradford, anll 'Vinlhrop f'ae<'<l a New England \\' illter an<l t1 ·(ied Jaw for tlH•m:-;c•l vt·:-i. F or t1 ::., thc·ir C'hildrt' n, th c'y plant ed an<l :owt•cl. They . aid, "Lo! out· righls :tre troclden unci •r J()ot; our cr:ttllc·s are not ~ a"·; our prnyc•rs may not ascend to Gocl." They formetl a Rtate, and ac·hit·\'<'<l that liberty. J ohn Brown goe:-:. a stride l><·yoncl till' Ill. { ~11 d r• r l1is own roof; he mi gi1L pr:ty at liberty; his own ·ltil<lr<·n wore no fl'l tns. In the catalogue of' Saxon hcro<•s and lll:trtyr:-i, th · H.idleys and the Latim e r~, he only saw m <'n dying for t h('msel \'('s ; in the br:t \'e souls of' our own d;ty, I a~ :-;n w rlH' Il go0<1 n ~ th •ir f:ttlwr:-;; but he' leapc•cl b<'yond tl H• rn, and di<·<l for a raee whose bloocl he di ll not slt:1rc•. This ehild or :-:.c•n·ntcen y<•an; ~iv('S her husband f(>r a race into whoso <·yes ~ b e Hover look<'<l. Bravc'r than Cn.rver or ' Vinthrop, n1ore <1isintC'r •sktl than Br:ttlf(ml, broacl 'r than If:lll <'O<·k or " ':1"11- jngton, pure as the brightest names on our catalogu •- nt ·n n'l' Oocl's hc•art, for, wil h a di vine magnanimity he c·omprchc• rHII·tl all rae s- H.idll'y ancl Latimc·r miui:-;tc r b 'for ' him. J fe ~ it s in that h<'avcn of' whi<'h he f.:how<'<l ns th OJH'n door, \\' ilh th e• grc·at nwn of' ~ ; 1 xo n blood mini:-; tcring below lri :-; f't•v t. And y<'L they have a right to say, " ' Ve cr<'atc'ci l.irn." l 1ord Haeon, as he tak t's hi :-:. m:tr<'h down the C<' nturit·:-:, nt: ty put one l1and on the telegraph an<l the ot ht•r on t h<· :--I cam •ngine, and :ay, " The:e arc mine, for I taught you to i11rent." So the Puritans may bl s. ,Tolm Brown, anti. say, ' You arc |