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Show W cndell Phillips. jng the honored name of Jl(r!J Trial by lv:1<ling it to uch an outmge a::; this. 'l'ht' Jnqui;.; ition us(·<l to Lreak ·v 'ry other Lone in a man's bo(ly, and then lay him on a pall ·t, giYing him neither coun cl nor opportunity to eonsulL Ollt', and wring from his torturcu mouth something like a conf'e~sion, and call it a trial. But it wa' hcaven-roLcd innOC('ncc compared with the trial, or what the New York press call ~o, that ha. been going on in crazed and m~uhl 'JH'd Charlestown. ] wi. h I eoul(l say any thing worthy of' the great deed which ha taken place in our dny- the opening of th' , ixth <'al tho pouring out of the last vial but one on a corrupt and giant lnf- titution. I know that many m 'n will deem mr a f:uwtic for uttering thi: '.\'hose::;n lc vitupcrntion, a. it will be ('Hll ·d, upon a "lute, aml this indor~ •ment of a madlllan. I can only sny that I have spoken on thi:-; Anti-~lavery qtH·~tion lwfor • the American people thirty year~; that I have::; •en the tlay when thi .' . am· pha:-:;e of popular f't·ding - rifles and 1oree- was on the other silk. You rem('mber the first time f wa' ever privil<>ged to stand on this platform by the magnanimous generosity of your dergyman, wh<>n New York wa::; about to bully aml ·rush out the f'n·<·llom of spreeh at th · di ctat ion of' Capt. H.ymlcrs. From that day to this, the. am' br~l\'in~ of public thought lms bern ~o in g on from here to Kansas, until it bloomed in the events of tlw last three )'CHrs. lt has changed the wholo f~H.:c of the sentiment in these Northern Htatt>. . You meet with the evidence of it every where. When the fir t news from Harper's F erry came to l\Ias. aehusctts, if you were riding in the can,, if you were walking in the str •cts, if you met a Dvmocrat, or a \Vhip:, or a Hcpublican, no matt 'r what his politic., it wa a singular circumstance that It' did not speak of' the guilt of Brown, of lh · atroeity of the deed, a. you might have expected. The fir::;t impubivc cxprc ~ion, the first outhrc ·ak of every man's words was, "\Vhat a pity ltc did not ~m·ct•(•ll! (L:wghtcr.) \Vhat a fool he was for not going off 1\londay, when he had all he wanted! !low strange that he W cndcll Phillips. did not tak his victory, and J1l nrclt :t\r:ty with it!" Tt indicated the unconscious lean•ning of a :--ympntlty with tit<· atten~ pt. . Days follow •tl on; th<·y con1m ·nc(•<l what they call<•(l the1r tnaJ; you met the same classes again; no lllan sa id J1c ~ught to be hung; 110 man :ti<l J1c w:1s gt1i lly; 110 lll:tn pn·dJcatetl any thing o(' }JiS lllOI':ll position; '\"('I'Y Jll:tl1 \'Oitlnt:triJy and incY itably srcmcd to give vent to hi, indirrnation at tho fitrc~ of a trial~ indicative again of' that un]l(_•c•<l~l, pot .111 , uncon cwns, Lut wtd •sprca<l sympathy on 111 :-;i<lP ol' Bro\\'n. Do you l'Uppo: \ that these things m 'an nothing r \\'hat the t nclcr and poetic youth dr<':tm. to-(l<ly, as Emc·r~on :-:n r~, and conjure up with inartieulate . pe<·eh, i:-; to-11101.,.0 w t~lte vocif'•ratc<l result of' pnblic opinion, an<l the <lay af'tn is tJ 1e <'hartcr of nation:;. The Amcri<'an pcopl(• han~ lH'uun to f( ·l·l 'l'J tC mut e rloqucncc of the f'tJ rriti\'C shvc h·ts l'r(n)l l(' 1• . b ( (' h llj) :111( ~low1~ the h1ghways aJHl byways oC the count ry; it. will :IIIIH'X Jt s<· lf to th' gr ·at Anwric·an heart of' the Nortl1 c•,·c·n in tlto ~nos~ fossi~ stat<• ol' its l1unk<•rism, as a latent ~yn 1 p;tthy with li S nght Side. This hlow ' like the Jir·s t ofY JIJl •'I L r. t•.:-... Jilgt on, "h<'anl around t ltc world,"- this blow :lL I larper's Ft •JTY rev ·als men. \Vateh tho~c nbout you, :~nd you will H'<' nwrc ~f' th e. t<' rll[K'I' an<l un<·onsC'ious purpose :11ul rea l 111or:d po-..itJOn o{ me~1 than you W011ld imngirw. Thi;.; i.-; tl1e wny 11 ~\lions arc to he Judged. Be not in a hurry; :wlio11 will rome ~oo n enough from thi::; sent imen t. \Vc .o.; t 'r<·otyp<' f(·<>ling into intt'IJect, aud then into statutes, and finally into national ('lt:tr:l<'t(·r. \Ye haYe now the first ~t<tge of' growth. Nature'~ Ji,· growths rrowcl out and rive d •:Hl matter. Jd •a:-; strangle 1-'t:ttl~l<·~. ~)ul::;c-~eats w nr clown granite•, whether piled in jail~ or <':tpJtols. Th pt'oplc':-; h<'art~ arc the 01dy title-dc<·ds af't cr all. Your Barnburn •rs , aid, "P<ttroon titl (•s arc unright<·o11;.;.'' tT.ullges replied, '' Sud1 is th<' lnw." \V<'nlth shri c·ked, ~~ V(•;.;t<·d nghts!" Parties talk <•d of' Constitulions; stil l, the p< ·o,de · ·· tid , '· •S in ·" They s· 1H h' a. s Il l'l'l" fT'• 1 \ parrot press ni<'ll, ''Anarchy!" I ,.~awyer grow lC <1, ' 'l\I urdcr! "-still, IIOUOdJ () ':\t |