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Show Gilbert Haven. forgl't. His apparition will undonbl cc11y incite tlwm to the " ·ork God will yet perform through t lH·m, or on•r t hvm. The f.('COlld great. r('H:'OO f(H' ('Oll~iclering thi~ tl~t• ueginning of the end of thi · ace ur~ed crime :1 gai nst Gotl. nnd nwn, is the confidence it will breathe into the slave. lf England 11 cvcr forrYot Bunker's Hill, much more Amrrica nen •r diu. 0 The ight of the fa11illg or fl e<•ing forms of tltf•ir nrrny('tl op-pressors, on that memorable day, 11cvcr lo. t its t r •memlous power over their hearts. So the millions of th • e n~lavcd will never forget the di:>may, which l urnc<l the hearts of their ma' ters to water, at the first gl<·nming of the rifle, tlt ' first stern demand for Freedom. Harper's 11-.Crry i ~ the tnrning point in their hi:,tory. Though they responded but fl~ebly, though they h~n-e maintnineLl a mo."t womlcrful silence ince, though they seem to be th e only cool m('n in the whole country, excepting their would-he deli vcr cr, st ill t lwy nrc not fe<'ling-less- l hey nrc not thou~ht-1ess. \V e . nl'<T nt them h<'ean~e they dicl not a r:lil tll('n1:-'t' ln·s of tltis opportu nit y, at the . ame time thnt 'rc brand Captain Brown with insanity fot· otfering it to them. "\Vis<'r thoughts will find l c~ · fault with both parties. The slcn-es nrc men. As one born to that fate ~aid, ccntu rie. ngo, nmid the npplnnsc of a va t thcat re of ...lave holders: ''I am a man ; notlti ng human is foreign from me." Thry are but men, nntl, th('re f'orc, lik ·all the white races, however much they rn :1y .wy th<'Y prefer liberty to death, will want some well-grounded hope of obtaining that liberty before thry imperil their li\' e~. Seo IInngnry to-day, restless yet warlc:;s, in the tHlon~ of An·trin; Hom<·, nndcr the clovrn ltoof of the pope; Frnncc, in the clnteh of Napoleon. Our clave brethren nrc of like plh-:ions \ri th onrs ,lvcs. They have acted wisely ; they bide tlwir time: it will come. Tl1i:-; ~r<·at dcrcl, as it must nml ongl1t to appem· in tlteir c'.\'t'.", 11·ill be talked of in every cabin. T he un<lergrmmd tckgraph will carry the tiuings, where no underground rail- Gilbert Haven. road yet run. its blcs ·cd trains of liberty. The two gn=-at feature~ of the event -.-the interpo:ilion of Northern white men for their deliveranrr, the gha::;tly fright and r •vbl<:ne~,; of their rna tcrs - will l 'U\'C an imlelil>lc irnprc:'s on their hearts. Their con ciou ·ness of their rights a. men will grow mightily under the influence of the fact that tl10~c of the same race as their opprc~ ors arc willing to <lie, if' Heed be, for their redemption. The consciou ness of their f;trength will grow with equal rapidity, wh<'n they sec thou;-;and · of these armed. masters trembling before a dozen wonn(le<.l and impri~oned men, and compcll•<l, by their fear:<, to let n handful of troop::., mo-tly for 'igner~, ·win their battle:::. You uwy ay, Is not all thi · wrong? Has the slave any riglt t to demand his fre ' <lom ? \V c arc not now uefending t lteo rics, we arc only stating facts. \V c arc showing tho grou ntls f(n· our belief that thi.· movement is to hasten the glatl d;1y of universal emancipation. Yet we do not f:hrink from nuswcring the question. The f.-lave ha~ a right to demand his freedom. They have a right to unite in t.his demand. They have a rirYht to firYht for it if it i;-; r efu ·cu tb •m. It is not thvir up-o 0 ri ·inrr that i- to he con<l •mned - it i;-; the 1'Csislrmre to that uprisinrY. It is the maste r, throttling the ~lave, nntl thrusting him in~ a bloody grave, 11 he dare .. ay " I will be frc · t" that is the great criminal before God and man ; not the lave, c1airr.ing to cxcrci ·e his inherent and inalienable rights, and resisting him who oppo. cs him. Can you find fault with this - you, who, e government IS ba.'cd on that great ntence wrought out in the fire of a 1 1,,,.. y fierce rebellion "All men are created free ant cqun. · ou, ' l . whose highe~t boast i.s that you de cend from revo utwnary father s - whose greatest holiday is that w ltcreon they proclaimed their independence from an ancient but unjust power; whose whole creed, of whatever party-Democratic, Ameri- R epublican is "All rrovernmcnt must be ba~ed on the can, or " , - · , r- . consent of the governcu." "'Vho is blitH.l like my servant, |