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Show " No mnn in the North aught nny longer to Jcccp silCJtcc, when Northen1 men m·e to be 1mbject to the hangmnn for the sake of n principle. John 13rown will undoubtedly be 1nmg. 'Tis well. lie l1cndecl insurrection and became nccountnble f01· bloorblwd, <mel mu t l)e hung. 'Tis well, I repent. 'Tis better tlmn that 1lC 1-ihould live. houltl I live unto the day, I will thnnk God for tho hnnging of John l3rown. . I believe that God 1uts wisely permitted the movement, and fnrthermo1·c, that on the day that that mnn is hung, the whole system of Slavery- that sum of human villally- will receive so fatal a stab, that it ·will never recover. Therein I r <'joicc- yen, I will n~oice- seeing in it the progre~s of human fr c-..'rlom. For this reason I shall thank Go<.l for the hanging of John Brown. There must be a martyr to truth, nnc.l eac;h one that falls is a bountiful :-1ninr~ . b l:ihowcr upon the buncd seed.'' lt.Ev. Mtt. lha.emm. III. SERMON nv H .EV. EovVlN M. WHEELOCK.* I N TilE grand mar ·h of civilization, there has h en in every generation of men f'inc' time began, . omc one ente rprise, f'ome idea :-;ome c·onfli ·t, whieh is representative. Tlt c~c arc marked places on th • world's map in token that something wa.· then :cttlcd. 'fhat t h ' 11 and th <•re mankind eho..; bc·l ween two opposing modes of thot tght an<l lif\ and m:td<' an npwanl or downward :tcp on that stninray which is bottonH·d on the pit, and reaches to the Throne. Thc::.c pla<·t>s arc always batt!'.' of . om .·ort- of'trn def(,ats. J>aul on l\lar;;' Ilill; Luth 'l' nailing his the es to the ehureh door; Colurnbu~ on t h quart •r-<lcek or the Santa 1\l:tria; Crom w ·ll training hi · ironsides; .Joan d'Arc in the flame;-;; Faust bending over his types. Snch ns tltc:' arc the f'oeal points of history, round which all others cluster and revolve. Uncoun ted myria<b of' cv nts take place, and uncount ed ntyriads of men tak, part jn them, but only one ot· two contain nwat and meaning. Each of' t h •:-; is builL into th \ i'oli<l walls or the world. Such an ohjed is the man :tncl hi:-; dc<•<l at II:"u·pcr's Ji' •rry. It ·trik<·s the hour or a new <'ra. lt carrie· American hi tory on its : houluers. The bondman has stood face to fitcc w illt his 1\foses. The Chri t oi' auti-sla very has sent * or DoYr r, N ('W 11 lUll psh ira, Wlll•n• it "''' s ori ).\i nnll .v prPIH'h e:l. It WO.!l rrpoalcd at 1\lu ~;i c IJ.tll, llo~ton, \Ill Suudny, Nov!'mh<:r '27, 1 ~&3 , from Lulw i ii. lfi: " Amlall men lllUHCil in their h cu rls of Joltn, whclltor bo Wl\1:1 tho Chritit or not." ~1 77) |