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Show "TuE condemnation and death of John Drown arc to be estimated by equities, in which the Throne of Eternal Justice alone has its foundation. In these scales legal formulas arc dead and weightless. Doctors of the Hebrew Law, by its letter, make a conclusive case again t Jesus Christ, nnd show that His condemnation nnd execution by the Homan Governor 'Vise of their Virginia, were according to their forms of law. And yet, the faith nn<l hope of Christendom r est on the basis that that judgment and death were the sacrificial nnd sacramental seals of the i\Iessiahship which stamped the P ea. ant-born the Saviour of the world. In measuring this case hy these eternal principles, do not quote 1 Unions,' and 1 compact!',' and 1 constitutions ' to &'le ! I deny their validity ! I pronounce them tC'mporary and trashy, when they attempt to contravene the Immutable ! " A. G. RIDDLE, (Cleveland, Ohio.) I. LETTERs FROM NoRTHERN MEN. JOHN DROWN, when in pri"on at Charlestown, Virginia, rece ived a large number of letters of sympathy fl'om diffe rent parts of the Northern • tatcs. None of them de ignetl fot· publication, and written, mo.stly, from the heart, they indicate more clearly the sentiment of the people than any other utterance3 that the old man'· glorious a ct called forth. l\Iany of his con·e pondcnt. a~ked for hi autograph ot· begged for a lock of his hair; but the gr ater part of such note and f:.ueh reque t::; I suppres . Other letters, by persons who would be known, even if their initials only were published, I 11nd it, also, cxpcdi nt to omit. Dividing them into their natural onlc1·, as, L etters from Northern l\1en, from John BrowH's Relatives, anu from Nor·thern \Vomen, I need make no apology, I feel, for occupying so much of my volume with the e interesting evidences of a Clu·i ·tian R epublicani m in America. Without other pref:1ce, the n, than to r equC'st you to note how SU[Wrior·, in every r e. peet, nre the h•tt cr;:; of the women, and quietly to .- u ~gest the question, whether, upon the whole, the possc~sion of political right l>y them wou]u ve1·y g1·eatly ha. ten the approa ch of Chao -, I ·ubmit the. e r ecords of John Drown's recognition as a ju t man and a Christian hero to the heads and the h earts of the American Nation. (387) |