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Show Victor Hugo. tcrious plan, perceptible only to grrat spirit~, the fact~, the men, tbc law~, the moral~, the people; or bett •r, uml<•r all human thin ~:-;, ther' nrc thin g: (livinc. Let all tlw. c great soul::! who lo\'C the United State~, n:-l a country be re-n ·.·uretl. Th • Unitetl "tat e.' mu=-'t renounce Slavery', or they mu, t renouucc L.1 berty. Tl H.:y ('an not re-nounce Liberty. They must renounce Slavery, or renounce the Gospel. They will nC\'Cl' renounce the Gospel. Accept, l\{adame, with my devotion to the cause you ad,·ocate, the homage of my re ·pcct. VICTOR HuGo. VII. WENDELL PHILLIPS ON TilE PuRITAN PRINCIPLE.* I TITANIC GOD for J ohn Calvin. To be ure, he burned 'crvetus; but the PuritanR, or at least, their immediate u e~ce udaut s, hung the wit ch .,,; George "'\Va hington held s lav e~ ; and Wher 'YCr )'Oll go up and UOWll history, JOU find men, not. nngcb. Of course, you fiud jmp ·rfect men; !Jut you find great men; men who have marked th<•ir own age, and moulcle<l the uccc •ding; n1en to who. c might, darin (l', and to whose di s int e rc~ te d uiTi•ring for tlw:-;e about tlwm, the ~uccec< 1ing generations ow th' ]argc•r hare of their bl cs~ in gs ; men whose lip::; and live, God l1as m~ul e the channel through which his choi <'st gi ft ~ come to their fdlow-b •ingR. ~Jo hn Calvin was one o.f th e~'- perhaps the profou ndc~t intellect of hi=-' day; ce rtninly, one of the brge.t statc~m en of his g< 'IH'r:ltion. Ilis wn ~ the stnr •smanlikc mind that organizcJ Purilnnism, that put i<lens into the , hnpr. of institution,, and in that way orgnniz d vi<"t ory, wh •n, und(•r Loyola, Catholi<" ism, availing it s<'lf' of the shrewdest and keenest machinery, ma<lc it rc·acti,·e a;-:;~a tdt upon tl1e ll (; \\' idea of the Protestant r eligion. If in that struggle 'Ve:tcm Europe came out victorious, we 0\YC it more to the ~ tnt c~ man ~ hip or Cah·in than to the hu·gc German heart uf Luther. 'Vc owe to Calvinat least it is uot unfitir to claim, nor improual>le in the sequence * A Discolll'so tlclivorNl lwf11rc tho 'l'wrnly·ril-'(ltth Conp;rriin tionn.l ~och• tr, (Rev. 'fheodoro l)arkcr'E<,) in Lho M Ut:!iC Hull, I.lotitou, ou Suudny, Docomuor 1 R, 1869 . (105) |