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Show 'Iheodorc Parker. It j ~ curious to lind the f'laYes volunteering to go to shoot men (in buckram) ,rho arc coming "a tltou:-;and at a time, to rescue Captain llrown " ! The Af'riean i:-; a ' much superior to the Anglo-Saxon in cunning and arts of hypocri:-;y- except the ccc1e ia tical- as be is inferior in general power of mind. Didn't a negro in Savannah tell a Northern mini~ te r, "I no want to be free!- I only 'frnid to be slave of sin! dat's it, mas a, I' fraid of de Dcbil, not of massa ! " 'Vl1at a gu ff:tw he gave when with his COUntrymen alone ! anu ]lOW be mimicked the gesture of the South-side, white-chokcu pri e~ t, who bore " his great commi ion in hi ' work " ! But I end a I began- what a stormy time i before us ! There arc not many men of conscience like John Drown, but abundance of men of wrath;- and the time for them- I know not when iL is. Farewell! V. SPEECII OF THEODORE TILTON.* I IIA VE li ~tc n cd to the trikin g of your ci ty bcil! ' VI10 know~ out it mnrk •d the very hotll' and J110111('1lt w)l(•Jl the gate of Ilea\' •n was OJWned, and the spirit of a new mart yr pa:";:-;ed in! To-day the nation puts to death its nohlc·st citizen ! (Cheers and hi." c:s.) vVhnt was his crime? Guil!y of " ·hat ? Guilty of lovi ng his fellow-men too well! (Applause and l1i!-'s .'.) Guilty of a. heart of too great liUman kindut>s.'! Guilty of too well "rem ·mlJering tlwm that ar, in l>onds as bound with them!" lla the brave old man 1'lill a few moment ~ more of 1ife? Then, though he cannot hear our word~, let us ay, " God blc.- him, and farew<·ll!" (Applau: e and hi~scs. ) But if the la~t ad moment is alr<'atly pass<•d, what then r emains? I know not what r<·mains f(n· you, but a for me, ( f eelli!.:e tll'l'owt"ng 1·oses upon that SC(!f!v!d and tlwl coffin! (l\Iingled npplausc and l1i:-;:es, whi <:ll continu <l for .. omc moment , during which th' speak ·r :Hh ·alH'e<l to the edge of the platform, and folded his arm . ) Ilonor! thrice honor to the good Christian who to-day dies in the faith! It i .' the hour not of hi :-5 defeat, but of his triumph! Our hearts arc Jnrgc for him to-day! But what can I ay? This is a time for ilcncc rather tlmn * Dcliver('cl nt noon of tho 2d of Doremhc·r, nt rL pnhli<· m <•l' tin ~ of tho fri f'nds of John Brown's c·nn ~c in L'hilatlclpltiiL. As the ~<pl·ak l'l' roso to a<hln•ss til t> audit>m'c tho clock ~:~truck L wcl I' C. (9'l) |