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Show "OLD JorrN llno1vN." NoT any spot six f<'C'L by two WJ:~ l11>ld n man lil\o lhco ; J ohn l!rown "ill trnmp tho shaking earth l<'~·om tho Bluo Hid~o to tlao st•a; 'l' ill tho Alro n ~ ttllgl'l conH•s alla~ t, A llll oprs l'adl d unA"eon door, Atlll God'!i 'On•at Chnrtt•r" holds nu cl wtw<•s O'er allltis hunt ull' poor. Ancl ilt rn tho humlJlo poor will como Jn tlmt fitr dh;tant tlii,Y, And from t lw ft•lou's uanwless grn vo Tltl•y' ll brush fltt' lrtn '<'H n way; Ancl ~rny old lll cn will point tho spot llt' tH'ttl h tho pirw-t n'<l !' ltttdr, As childn•n ar-;k, wit It ~ tn•am in l{ oycs, Wbl• ro ''Old J ohn llrown " was ltd<!. ... IV. LETTERs FROM Tn EODORE 1~ ARKER. Roi\m, November 2'1, 1859. My DEAR 1; HJEND: I sec by a recent telegraph which ti JC st eanwr of' Nov ·mbrr 2<l brought from Bo~ton, that the Court f(H ttl<l Captain Brown guilty, an<l pa~sr<l s •nt ·nee upon him. I t is ~a id Friday, December 2d, is Jixc<.l as the dny for h:mging ltim. So, long before tltis l'(':tchc you, my f'riend will l•ave pass<•<l on to the reward. of Itis magnanimous pul>lie servic '~, anti hi · p ure, upright, private life. I am not well •nough to be th' minister to any Congregation, lc':tsL of' all to one like that whiclt, for . o many yearR, h 'Ip ·d. my soul, while it list< 'IH.'d to my words. S urely, the TwentyEigllth Cong r<•gational Soeiety in Roston n eus a minister, not hall' <lc:td, but alive all over; and yet, while reading the nc<:otlllts ol' the aflltir at ITa rper':S F<•rry, and of' the sayings of ce rtain nwn at Bo:-;ton, wl10m yoll nn<.l I know on ly too well, I co11ld not h •Ip wishing I wa.· at home nga.in, to u. e wl1at poor rc11mant of' power is lef'L to me in def'•uce of the True and the Hight. America is rich in able m ·n, in 8kilf'ul writer!', in r ady and accomplish •d speakers. But few men dare treat public afl:1ir:-~ with r ef('rencc to the g reat principles of ju. tiee, and the American Democraey; nny, f'ew wilh r e fcrcn ·e to any r emote f'uture, OI' even with a <·ompr<'ht·n~ivc .-un·ey of' the pre.:iCI)L, Our public writer~ ask wk~t cfrect will this opiuion 7 (73) |