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Show 43G gPt ont all thr nigg rs aronLcl, ~1ncl lu1vr then1 wnliz l1irn into 1o\rn with :1 torchlight proce~~io11 m1cl a hrc1s.· hnnd, nn<l thPn h ~ wonld l1, a h ro, and ~o \ronld W('. But I rrckoned it. was abont as well th0 \Hty it \ras. "\Y 'had Jiu1 out of th chains in not irn , and \vhen Aunt Polly and Un 1, Hila .. and Aunt- :--)ally found ont how good hP helped the doctor nurse '1\nn, tl1ry rnudl' a lH'np of fu ·s over hint, and fixed hi1n up pritne ancl gi,,e hirn all he wanted to (':tt, and a good til1l<' and 11nihino· to do. And \r{' had hi1n up io the ' b 'l'O ~]'~ L I H I•: ItA L I 'J'Y. ,.ick-room; and had a high l:tlk; an<l Tom giv Jim forty dollar ' for bei11g pri ·oner for us so patient, and doing iL H}l .·o good, and Jim wa .. plea. ed mosL to death, and busted out, :tnd HaJR: '· Dah, now, 1 f uck, whnt I tell yon ?-,rhat I tell yon up 4:37 dah on Jack. on i .. lan' ? I tole you I got a hairy br as', n whnt 's <k sign nn it ; Pn T tole yoH I ben rivlt wnnst, ' 11 o-win t r t be rich a,r; in ; Pn it s con1 ' tru ' ; 'll henlt ,. he i, · ! Dah, now! cloan' talk to 1ne-sig11s i~ si.r;n., Jnin<, 1 i ell you; rn T kuow d jiH' 's well 'at 1 'uz gwin t 'r be rich agin aH I's a . tannin' henh diH 1ninut '! =' And th<'ll Tom he tnlh'd along, :mel talked along, and HayH, lc's all t hrc c slide ont of l1cr ·, one of tile He nio-ht .. , :md get <~n outfit, and go for howliug a<lv nture among t th • fnjun , ov •r in the 1' rritory, for a couple of we kH or .'O ; and I . ays, all right, that :nit· m , but I ain't got no Jllon 'Y for to hny thP outfit, and I reckon I couldn't get non frmn hmne, hecan. it's likely pap'H been back before now, and got. it all away from Judge Thatch rand drunk it up. "No he lmin't.," Tom ,.ayH; "it all ther , y t-. ix thou~and dollar.· and Inorc; and your pap 1utin't Yer b en baek sinre. Hadn't when I cmne away, anyhow:· .Ti1n HHJR, kind of . ·olcn1n : "1£"' ain't a cmnin' back no Jno', IIurk.'' I :ay. : "V\rl1y, Ji1n ? '' '· Nrn1n1ine why, Jfuek- hut he ain't mnin' hack no mo'." Hnt I k pt at hi1n; .·o ::1t la.t be , nys: 'Doan' you 'memb 'I' de hon. dat was f!oat'u d wn d river, Pn dey wuz a n1an in d::th, ki.v n~d up, n I w :}nt in n unki verc•d him :md did 11' let yon emu · in ? \V II, den, you k 'n gi t yo' 1noncy wh n you want:-:; it; ka.·c dat wu~ hi1n.'' 1'mn's lUOHt \vell, now, nnd got his bnllc'L arouud his 11 ck on a wateh-guard for a \vatch, and i: always s ing \vhat tim it i., ancl so th r ain't n thing n1ore to write about, and 1 am rotten o-lad of it, b cau e if I'd a knowcd what a tr ubi it wa.· to Inake a book I wonldn t a tacld d it and ain't agoing to no 1nor ·. |