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Show ]:.?() TilE ADVENTURES OF JIUCJ(LE!JERRlr 1•1._V4Y. she \V nt. I se the fog clo ing down, and it 1nad tnr so :ick and .· ared I couldn~t budg for 1nost a half a 1ninute it srrtnc<l to rn -and then there " ·arn·t no raft in sight; yon coul<ln~t SC'C t \venty yard~. I jun1prcl into the canoe and run baek to thr strrn and grahb<~<l the pa<ldle and .· t her back a .·trokc. But . he didn't corn . Twas in snch a hurry I hadu•t untie<l hrr. [got up nncl tri(•<l to untie hrr, bnt I was so cxcitc<llny ltnncl .· .·hooks I couldn't lwrclly clo anything with thern. A. , oon a I got started I took onL after the raft, hot mHl hrnvy, right clo\Yn the tow-head. That 'va: all right a.· far ns il \vrnt, bnt the tow-brad wnrn't sixty yards long, a1Hl ilw 1ninntr I flC'w by the foot of it I .·l1ot out into the soli<l wl1ifP fng, :tn<l hndn't no rnorr idea whiC'lL way I wa.· going than a (1end nwn. 'l'l1inks I, it won't do to pa<1(1l(\ ~ fil' i f know 1'11 run into thr hank or a to\v-heacl or 01nc\thing; I got to . ~t till rm cl flo:d, andy t if 1nighty fidg iy hu. in .·s to havt' to hold yonr h:nHls still at ncb a ti1ne. I whooped an(l ] i. trnc·cl. A'r:1y down ih r , . om whcr s, 1 bear~ n .T()all whoop, ~1nd up cmlu's n1y spirit:. I \V nt tearing aft r it, li. tcning .·harp to hear i1 ngain. The next t irnr it co1nc, I sec I wnrn't h "'a din()' for it b hut hrading away to thr right of jt. An<l the next tin1 , I wa hrading away to the left of it an<l not gaining on it 1ntwh ('itlt<'r, for I 'va. f1 in()' aronncl thi.· way and that and t'othPr, hnt it wa" going. traight al1cncl all the tin1e. I did wi.·h the fool woulcl think to benL a tin pan, ancl beat it all the ti1ne, hut he never did, nncl it \vas the till places h t wrPn i. h whoop. that wa. making the trouble for me'. \Yell, I fought along, and directly I h ar the ·whoop behinfl Inc. I wa tangled g od, now. That was somebody ls 's whoop, or else I was turn ·d arounrl. I throwed the paddl down. I h ard the whoop again; jt was behind me yet, buL in a different place ; it. kept cotniog, llUCK LOSES TilE R_.ll<'T. l:!i and kept changing its place, and I k pt an w ring, till by-and-by it wa in front of me again and I knowed the curr nl had swung the canoe' head down str am an(l I was all right, if that wa ~ .Jim and not some other rafts1nan h Hering. I couldn•t tell nothing about voices in a fog, for nothing don't 1 ok nntural uor ound natural in a fog. The whooping went on, and in about a 1ninut I come :\ l)ooming down on a cut bank with n1oky gho:tH of big ir ,s on it, and the curr ut throw(\cl1nc off to the l ft an<l ·hot hy, among t a lot of nag that fairly roared, t.he CUlT ut ''"a. t 'aring by th tn so :wift. In another second or two it wa · :olicl whit :uHl still again. [ .. rt perf,ctly st,ill, th n, li·tening to 1ny henrt tlnunp, n1Hll rccl~on J didn't draw a br )alh \vhil ~ i L tlnnnp I a J 1tn1clred. I just give up, th n. I know c1 ·what the rnat ter wn~. That cut bank wa an i. lancl, nnd .1 i1n had gone cl wn t'otbrr ._' i(l(' of jt. It warn't n tow-h ad that you could float by in t.Pn minute.. I t had the big ti1nb r of a regular i--lancl · it 1night b fiv or .·ix mile 1 ng :uHl n1orc than a lwlf a 1nik wid . l k pL quiet, with nly car· c eked, about fifteen 111i~nd :..; l r ck n. I wa. floating along, of conr:e, four or fiv<' 1nil<\ an hour; but y u don'L ever thi11k of tl1at. No, y nfeel like y )tl ar laying cl ad ... till on thr water· and if a little crlitnpse of a .·nacr slips by, you don't think to your elfhowfa.LyoH',.eg ing, but you catch your hn'aLh <1nc1 think, 1ny! how that snag's tearing along. If y u think j t ain ·L clit·nutl and Ion(}. 0111 out 1n a fog that wny, by yonr, lf, in tbr night, yon try it on ·c-you'H : e. Next, for about a half an hour, I "·hoop now and th n; at la t I h ars the answer a long way· off, nncl tri to follow it, hut I couldn't do it, and directly I judged I d g t into a n . t of tow-heads, for I had littl cli1n glimp es of th m on both |