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Show other p coplc-whcr ea.· you're jn. t as hraYc, and 110 br:l Y<'r. \\"hy don't your juries hnng lnludcrcr. ? Hccau \ they're afn1id th 1nan\:; frien<ls \rill .·hoot tb e1n in the; back, in th<• darkand it\; jut \Yhnt they 1..uoul<l clo. ~' ~o they alway. nc<Init; and then a ?n((n go sin ihe njght, \vith a hundred Juask<'<l cowards at his hack, and lynches tl~t· nt.-cal. l rour 111i:t akc is, 1 bat yon tlidu't bri11g a 1nan with you; ihaL· .. · one 1nisiak(\, and ihe otht>r is ihat yon didn't cowt• iu the dark, aucl fetch your 11wsk:. l yon brought 1JCt?'t of a lll<.Lll-Buck I [arkne.-s, ther }-~1ncl if yon ltacln·t h acl hi1n to stnrt you you'd a iakru it out iu blt1wiug. '· l r on di<lll't want 1 o corn e. The average uuu1 don't like i rouble au<l danger. ) ,..u n don't like i roubl · ~nH l llan gcr. Bnt if only hu~/ :1 nwu- likc Buck 1 lnrkn<·ss, 1 here-shouts 'Lynch l ti 111, lynch l1 i1n ! · yon\·' afraicl to baek tlown-afraitl you'll bl· found out to }H' what you are-CO'lCrt1'(L-an<.l .:o you rai.-c a yell, and hang :onr.·eh~c s on i4> that lwlf-a-n1:.n1·s coat iail , mHl e<>llH' r:1gi11g np hcrC', ,'wearing what hig things you're going to clo. The pitiCullP t thing out i ~ a 1nob; thaC:s wlwi an :.1rmy i~ --a 1noh; i hey don't fight with con rage i h af::; born in them, but with co ur:.\ge that's borrowed fro1n th ·ir 1nas:, a11tl frolll th eir officer s. Bnt a 1noh withonl m1y ?nan at the 1~ •ad of it, is heneulh pitifn1nr.-s. Now tllc thing for yon to do, is to droop your tails and go hon1e ancl crawl in a hole. lf any real lynehing's going i o be done, it will be d on in i he dark, ~outhcrn fa shion ; ancl \Yhcn they c01nc they'll brillg their Jn:.vk~, and fetch a rr1-an alo11g. No\v leave-ancl take your half-a-1nan with you ''- tos:ing his gun up across his left arm anfl cocking it, when h . ay. this. Th crowd wa.·h 'cl back .·nddcn, a1Hl then broke all apnrt and \vent tearing off every which way, and Buck Ifarkne. s ht\ heel d it after i h 1n, looking t olcrahlc cheap. I could a . i a iLl, if I'd a \Vall ted to, but I didn •t want to. J w<·nt to the c irc n~, a1Hl loafed arou1Hl ilH• hack ~ide till ih r waL ·lnnan \YcnL hy, an<l th en dived in 111Hl <'r ill<.' tent. 1 h:tcl 1ny t\vcnty-<.lollar gol<l piec and so1ne ot IH·r 1nonry, htd 1 reckoned I bL'llPr saYt' i l, ht\cansc then' nin·t no t( '1lino· hnw h ~oon yon are going to ll<'e<l it, awny front honH' :nHl :unong:-.1 ~i ran gC'rN, that way. \~on c:n t't he .. too earcftd . 1 :tiu't. oppos<·d to sp<'1Hling 1noncy on cjn·nscs, wh<'n i ll<'l'<' ain'L no other W<l)', but there ain't no u:e ill lf'flsti ng it on i llt'lll . I t \Ya: a real hnlly <'iL·us. It was tht• :-;pl<'lHliclest ..:ight ' (_ . - , } --- ------/~ - that e\· r wa , \vhen tlH'.Y a11 ron1c ri<li11g in, two an<l iwo, a g ntl<·Inan nncl l atl.y, ~id e by :-;iclc, ill(~ nH'n j nsL jn th('ir dnnvcrs nncl uncl r-shiri ::~, :nHl11o shoe nor sL irrnps, anclrc:ti11g Lh<'ir ha1Hb on t h eir ihicrh~, easy nnd c01nfort:1ble-ih re 1nusL b . a' bc<'n tw ni y of then 1 <UH l ev 'ry lady \vi Lh a lov ly conl-plexitnl, and p erfe ctly brantifnl, ;nHllooking j u .. t. like a gang of r eal sur - no ugh qnr0n. , and dr ssecl in clothes i haL cost million. of dollars, and just lit tercel with di:unonds. Jt wa.- a vo·wcrful fine sight; I never ·ce anything RO lo\·cly. Ancl thl'n |