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Show TilE ADVE~TURES 01,, JIUCJ{LEllERRl~ FIJ..~lt·. them back and he could u c th ' lll over again. So Totn \ra~ sati fied. Th n h say.-.: ":Xow, th' thing to study out i ·, how to get th thing:-; to J itn." "Take them in through the hole,'' I ay:-;, " \rhcn \rc g<·t it. done.'' - - .- ,..---- ·-- STEALI~G SPOO~S . . II) only just looked : cornful, and ·aid S(nnething about. nobody ever h ard of such an idiotic idea, and then he went to ~tudying. By-and-by he said h had ciphered out two or three \ray ·, but there warn't no need to decide on any of them yet. Said we'd got to po t Jitn first. That night we \Yent dcwn the lightning-rod a little after STEALI.1Y. G SPOO ..V: S. ten, and took one of i he candles along, and li ·t<?necl under the window-hole, and hear 1 Ji1n snoring; . o we pit ch ecl it in, and it didn't \vake him. Then we whirlecl in with the pick and shovel, and in about two hour · and a half th job was don . \Ye cr0pt in under Jim'.· b 'd and into the cabin, and pawed around and found the candle and lit it, and '"' tood over Jim a while, and found him looking hearty and h ealthy, and then we \vokc him up gentle and gradual. 1 [c wa . . o glad to . ee u .. · he 1no t cried; and called u hon~y, and all the p ·t n:une. he could think of; and \Va,· for having us hunt up a col<.l chi:el to cnt the chain off of hi leg \vit h, right a\Yay, an<l clearing onl without lo ing any tim . But Tom h i:'how d him h o\v unrcgular it would b , and .oet down and tolJ hitn all about our plan.·, and how we coul<.l alter th 'ln in a 1ninut any ti tn t hrrr wa. an alann; and not to be the least afraid, bccau:-~ w would sec he got a \V~l y, s u1·e. f o .T i 1n h said it wn all right, and w .·et t here and talk cl o\· r old t itnes a \vl1 ile and then T01n a .. kcd a lot of que~tion ·, and when Jitn told him Uncle Silas co1ne in every day or two to pray \vith hitn, and Aunt f ally c01n in to see if he wa comfortable and had pl nty to eat , and both of the1n was kind as they could be, Tom says : " l -lo1.u I know how to fix i L \\r e ·n end you some thin o-s by them.,' I said, "l)on't do nothing of th kind; it'_, one of the 1110 t jackas idea I ev r struck;,, bnt h never paid no attention to 111 ; went right on. It wa .. hi way when h ·'d got his plan . ct. So he told Jim how wc\l have to s1nuggl in i h rope-ladder pic, and other larg thing , by Nat, th n igger that fed hi1n, and he mu t be on the look-out, and not b snrpri cd, and not let Nat see him open then1; and we would put . mall thing. in uncle's coat pocket. artd he Jnnst teal t he1n out; and \VC would tie thing to aunt's apron strings or put them in her apron B B 2 |