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Show us rich. \\rt\ got ~ix thon~:1nl <loll:trs apiecr--all gold. lt \vas all awful sight of 1noney wlH.\n il w~1:-~ pil<'d Hp. \\\ ·11, Jn<lo·(' Tl1afclH)r he took it aucl lHLt it. onL aL inirre:-;t, (IIHl i! h ' fetch<'<l 11~ a dollar a <lay apiece, all the .Yl':tr ronncl-Jll()}'{' thnn a body could i<'ll what to do with. ThP 'Yidow J)ongln:-;, ~he took Inc for her son, mHl allowed sl1c• would :-~ivilise Jll<'; bnt- it \vas rough 1i vin g in the ltou~e all il1 C' t i tn~, con id<·ri 11 g· how <lisincllrcgnlar and decent the \\'i<low w:1s in all. J1rr \Ynys ~ an<l so wlwn I conldu't stallll it no longrr, I lit ont. 1 got into 1ny old rag::> and 1ny sugar-hogshead again, allcl wa: freP an<l sjd isfie<l. Bnt Torn ~awycr hc hnntr<l 1nr up and :aid he was goi11g to .·tarl a b:1ncl of robbers, and I 1nightjoin if I woul<l go hnck i o the wi< low ancl be rc. pee!(\ blr. ~o I went hack. The wido\v sh<· cried o\·rr Jne, an<l call<'<l lllC' a poor lost ]:unh, mHl .·l1c call e<l n1 \a lot of otbrr n:un ~,too, bnt :-;be llC'\' l'l" 1nennt 110 hann by it. f--;he put 1nr in t hc1n n ,,,, elot he:-; ng·(tin., an<l I couldn't do nothing buL sweat :nHl :weal, :11Hl f<'(.'l all crrunprcl up. \\Tell, then, the old thino- emnnH·ncerl ngain. Tl1<· wiclow rnng a b ell for supper, ancl you h~Hl to co1n(\ to t itnr. \\'"hrn you got to the btble yon couldn't go rigl1t to eating, hut yon ltacl to wait for th \vidow to tuek <lo,vn her head <tncl gnunhl a little over the Yictua.l , though there warn't really anything the n1atter with the1n. That is nothincr only eYcry- ' b . thing wa. cook d by it.·elf. In a barrel of odds and ends it i:-. <liff'<•rrnt; things get 1nixecl up, anll the jnic kind of . wapf-: nron1Hl, an<l the thing go better. After ~upper she got out h r book and learned me about J\los('.· nn<l the " Bulru ·hers;., and 1 was in a. went to find ont all n bout hin1 ; but by-and-by she let it, out that J\ f oses h~Hl be<~n d ;1d a con .. iclerable long 1 i1nc; so then I didn't car no 1non' about hi1n; b ecau e I don't take no stock in d ad people. l)retty oon I wanted to smoke, and a ·keel the widow to let me. But she wouldn't. ~'he said it was a 1nean practice and ') •) ·wa .. n·t clean, nn<l I 1nn .. t try to not <lo iL any 1non•. That 1s j n.t the way with sonH' proplc. Th \y ~<·t down on a Lhing \vlH·n they d n't know nothing ahont 1L }[ rc she wa.' a hoLh ring about ~foses, which \Yas no kin to her, and no u c.to e~nyl1o<ly, 11~ing gonr, yon se<), yet finding a power f fault w1lh : \ \ LEARNl~G ABOFT 1\fOSE' AND THE '' BULRl'~IIJ.:n:-;.'' 1ne for doincr a thincr that had s me good in it· Ancl ·he took b b . .. nnff too; of coun; that wa all righL, because .. he done 1L 11 rself. J[er i. ter, l\Ii s Wat:'on, a tol ~rablr slim old maid, with goggles on, had just come to live with h 'r, and t~ok ~ ,· t at 1ne now, with a pelling book. he workell me micldhng hard D 2 |