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Show iln·oHgh n rip in the f'traw ti ·k that wn under th<· f<'ath<'r hPd, :nHl cranlnled iL in a foot or two mnongst the st rnw nud ~aid jt W;\s all rjgld, now be au~e a nigg('r on ly nw krs np tltl' fC'ather lwd~ ~HHl dou't turn ov r th .traw tick onl.v nb')ll{ t "ict• a yrar, ctn<l ~o it waru't inn dangt r of g ·tting .'iol(', nnw. But l kllO\r{'d b tier. I had it out of then' h<·fon·th~·y,,a.· - --- - -' II l . C K T. \1..: C S T II l~ .\1 0); J;; Y. ltc.llf-we~: dow11~:dairs. I groped :dong up to 1ny cubby, nnd hid jl there i jJl I could g('t, a elwnec to do hc1 ter. 1 judged I hettrr ltid it onL ide of the hous<~ .·on1 wher s~ because if they Jni:-·scd it 1 hey would gi,·e tbe hou.· a goo<l ran, aeking. I kno,re<l that ,. ry well. Then I turn <l in, with my clothes all on ; hut I couldn't n gone to :l<'Pp, if I"d a wnnt d to, I was in ~ud1 a sw aL to get through with t.h bu.-ill('~~. By-HIHl-h.Y r hcanl the king alld the duk' ·otnc np; ~o I rolled off of 111.v palleL n1Hl ]aid \\'ith UlJ chin at the top of n1y LHider and wait(·d to sec: if anythiug wa"' going to happ('ll. Bnt nothing did. :--;0 [ hc,ld on till all tlH· lat sounds lw<l qnit nnd tlu· e:nly one~ hadn't begnn , yet; antl then T :lipped do\rn the laddc·r. |