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Show 410 b t':1 ~1t ifnl, en it 'uz doue hc<~ntiCul ; en dey nin~t no1)ody 1-...in giL u:> a plan <bt 's 1no' 1nixed-up (·n sp1 'nclicl den what d<li on<· wnz. " \Y<· wns :111 ns glad as \Y<' eonl<l 1w, hut Ton1 was ilH· gLtd( l P~t of <111, 1wcnusc lH' l 1 ~1c1 n bullc·t iu t hf' cnlf of ltis lPg. \Yhen 1nc\ ancl .lint lH·:tr<l that, W<' didn't fPel flO br:l:-'lt as \\ lwt \YP dicl h<>fore. I i \\'tiS hnri i11g hin1 collsidcrhle, :l1ld hlc· tling; so\\(' L1i<l ltim in tll<' wigw:nn and tore up lllH' of ilu· clnk<:s shirt.· for to lltuHbg<' hint but h say': •<:inlllH'tlH' rngs~ I c:1n <lo it 1nyself. Don't ·Lop,now; dmt't fool aroulHl hl'n·, HlHl t lte C'Ya.'ion hoo1ning along flo ltancl.' Olll<'; lllnll th<· s\n'ep~, and .·ct her loo. e ! Boys \\' <' dn11r it eleg:1ut ~-·d<'< ·< l \H' <U<l. _I wi~h 1C'e'cl a had the l1:nHlling of Loui: X\'"1., t1l<'r<' \Voulcln't n been 110 'Son of Saint Louis, nscrn<l to ]w;l\'('ll ! ' \\Tote clown iu hi. biogntphy : no, ,. i r, \n•\1 a whooped hin1 O\'(T the UO?'cle7'- i.hat:s what ·we\1 a doll(' with It i ut - and dnlH' it jnst as :lick as not hi11g at all, too. ::\fan tlH' :-;w<'eps- Jnan i h :-;werps . " Bnt nH\ and .fi111 was on .·ultin,o·- n11d thinking. Ancl afi r "e'<l i honghi a 1ninntc', I R:ty~: ' fI.._~( ily' 1' i •1 1' 111. " :--;o ltc Hays : "'\rcl1, <1('11, <lis is dl' ·wny it look to 1ne, l[uck. Ef it wuz h irn clat 'nz he in' :-;oL fre , en on ' r de boy. wuz to git .·hot, wonlcl hc> say,' Go 011 en ave 1ne, n 'lninin 'bout a dod or f'r to save dis OllC' ~ • l:-; dni lik0 .:\Ian; Totn 8awy -r? ''ronld l1e say dat? y ·ou bet l1<' wouldn't ~ lVell, clen, is Jirnt gwyne to ~ny it ? No, sa h-I donn 1 nulg' n . ·t 'l> out'n clis place, 'donL a doclo?~ ; not jf it's forty year!,, I knowecl hr wa:-; white in ide', and I reckon d he'd sny \vhat hr cli<l ~Hy-. o it vva: all rigl1t, now, and I told Tmn I wa. agoing for a doct r. lie raised con. iderbl ro\v about it hut 1ne ancl .Tim stuck i.o it and \vouldn't budge ; so he wa. for JL'J{ A J) VL'-)'E,'; .A DOCTOR. 41 J crawling out nnd :rttin ()'the rn ft luos h in1. ·elf; hut we \Yon]cln '1 let hi111. '1'1t<'n he giv ns a piece of his 111i1Hl- hnt it didn't do no goocl. ~o \rhrn he . e('.' llH' (r<•U i11g t 1l(' t£1noc· r<'ady, he sa}~: ' '""<'11, i h n, if yon'n• houn<l1 o go 1'11 t <' ll you il1 (• 'S:ly t () .JI.\1 1\ I>Y1NI~~ .\. 1>0 'TOlL do, when you get to tl1c villt1gc•. ~hut the door, and blindfolc1 th doctor tight and fast, <lncl 1nake hin1 ~ w 'ar to he .·ilent a: the grave, ancl put a pnrse full of g ld in his hand, and th n:take and lead him all around th hack alleys and everywhere , in the dark, and then £ tch hi1n h re in the cano , in a roundabout |