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Show ]!) TilE .AIJ V£'~VT URL'S OF Il~~CliLEJJ£'RR 1- l·l.S1Y. it. open, and kind of pass it around this way and that, shouting, "If· the brazen serpent in the wild rne.· ! J..~ook upon it and live ! · Ancl people woulu shout out, " Glory ~-A -a-?n en! · An l o h ·went on, and the people groaning and crying and say1ng am n: "Oh, con1e to the 1nourner ·' bench! come, black with :in! ( u1nen .') corne, <.:i<:k and sore! ( a1nen !) corne, hune an<l halt, and blind ! ( conen .') corne, pore and ne dy, sunk in :hame! ( a.-a-?nen .') co1ne all that's worn, and soiled, and suffering!corn with a broken spirit ! co1ne with a contrite heart ! come in your rags and in nnd dirt ! the waters that ch'an:e i · free, t h door of h a·1en stands open-oh, enter in and. be at rest! ·· (ct-Cl-?nen! .r;loT!J, alo1·y hallelu)cth.') And so on. 1.,. ou couldn't lnake out \vhat the preaeh cr sajcl, any rnorc, on account of the . houting and crying. }'olk got up, ev ~rywher s in the cro\vd, an<l worked their \\-ay, jut by 1nain strength, to the mourners' bench, \'dth the t ars running down their faces; and when all the n1ourners bad got up there to the fr nt benches in a crowJ, th y sung, and shouted, and fl nng thernsel ves do\vn on the straw, just crazy and wild. 'Yell, the fir t I knowed, the king got agoing; and you could hear hitn over ev rybody; and next he went a-charging up on to th platfonn and the preacher he begged hi1n to speak to the people, and he done it. Ire told the1n he was a piratehe n a pirate for thirty year·, out in the Indian Ocean, and his crew wa. thinned out consi<lerable, ]a t spring, in a fight, ancl he was ho1ne now, to take out sotne fresh men, and thanks to goodne, s he 'cl been robbed last night, and put a ·hor off of a ~teamboat without a cent, and he was glad of jt, it was the bles ede t thing that ever happened to hi1n, becau e he was a changed 1nan now, ancl happy for the first time in his life ; and poor as he was, he \vas going to tart right off and work hi way A I)IRA TE AT TIIJ; C~IJJF-JIEBTI. .Y. G. 1!)!) back t the Indian Oc nn and put in the r<.'.'t of hi , lif<' tryingto turu th pirctt into lh' trnP path : for h could do it b ·t t er i han anybody e! '\' b ing a ·quaint cl with all tho pi rat<· en'".;; in that oc '\an; and though it wonlcl tak hitn a long tinH ' to get Lh r wi thont 1H01H y lH' would g<'t i h<'r<' anyway, and <'Very tiu1e h \ convinc ·d a piratP hr> would ::;ay to hi1n, "]) n't you '· A l'l HAT C t'O l~ 'IIIIHTY Y 1~ \ HS .. , ihank Ill(', don"t you give 111 no ct·rdit, it all belongs to thern dear peopl in Pok ville eatnp-111<:: ting natural broth rs and h n f~H: tors oft h rae - nnd that dl'ar preacher ther-., thP trn ~L fri tHl a piratP ever hnd ! · An<l th n he hn~ted into tear~, and ·o did everybody. Thrn orncb dy ·ing out · Talze up a collection for hitn, take up a |