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Show ') 4 t) .. aboul that school, becanst' he was going to lay for nH~ and liek m if I cli<ln't drop that. Xext <lay h0 wa drunk, and he went to Judg ThatelH'r·~ and bullyrngaecl hi1n ancl tri cl to JHake hi1n giYe np i lw 1none.y ' bnL he coulcln't, and then he . wore he ·cl 1na k~ th~ ]aw force hi1n. 'l'lH' judge and the) wiclow went tn law to get the court io tnk:) 1ne rnray frmn him nnd let one of t l1e1n be my gnanlinn; hut it \Ya a new judge that hacl jn.'L ccnne, ancl he didn't know the old 111:111; so he saicl court. 1nustn"t intrrfere and . rpnratP fan1ilies if they could hrlp it; :aid lH,·cl druther not iak(' a ehild away fro1n its fathC'r. So J nclge 'l'lHtt cher and the widow hacl to quit on t hr businPs. ·. Thnt plc:Lc(1 the old 1nan till he <·oulc1n"t re. t. lle ·a id hc'1l eowhi<le n1P i ill I \Vas black and l)lHe j f [ didn't rai. c f'OllW 1noney for ltim. 1 borrowed thr c dollar: fnnn Judrre Thatchrl' b ' and pap took it ancl got <lrnnk and went a-l1lowjng arouncl and cu ·sing an<l whoopin()' an<l carrying on; ancl he kept it np all ov(·r iown, with :.t tin pan, iill 1110 t llli<lni(rht · then they J·ailc<1 b ' • hi1n, anclncxt clay they hacl hirn before <'nnrt, and jailed him again for a week. But hr saicl he was .'ati .·fied; said he \rn:-: bo. s of hjs . on, and he'd 1nake it wan n for It; rr~. \Yhrn he got out t hr new judge .. aitl br was agoing to Jnal\(' a 1nan of hi1n. Bo l1 c· took bitn to l1is own l1ou. e, and drr.':-;cd hiu1 up clean and nice, ancl ltacl hi1n to brc~1 kfast and dinn<'r an<l ·upper \viLh the frnnily, ancl wa ... jn~t old pie to hi1n, . o to Rpcak. And after supper he talkecl to hinl about tempcranct· and such thing till tbe old 1nan c:rir<l, ancl sa.iu he'd been a fool, and fool d away his life; hut now lte was a going to turn ov r a new leaf and be a man nobody \Youldn't be asha1nccl of, ancl he hoped the judge would help l1i1n ancl not look down on hi~. The j.udg.e sai<l he could hng him for them word~ ; . o he cned, and h1 w1fe . he cried again ; pnp sn.id he'u been a 1nan llEl'ORJf. 3-•) i hat had away. bern misunderstood l1efor , and the ju<1<rp said h heliev d it. Th o]d man aiel that what a, 1nan wantc<l Lhat was down, was . y1npathy; and tlte judge . aiel il \Yas .'O; ,'o they cried again. An<l wh n iL \Vas b dti1ne, the old rnan ro:e np ancl held ont his hand, anrl . ay. : '' J 1ook at H, gentl men, a.n<l ladi0s all ; take ahold of it ; Rhake it. Tl10re·s a hand thaL was 1lte 1tand of n hog; but iL ::~in 't . o no Jno:r ; ifs the hancl of a, 1nan thafs started in on a llC\V life, and 'll clie before hc'l1 go bac:k . \ .. on 111: rJ~ tlt In word ""-don't forget I said th \In. It'.- a cl an han< L now ; .-bake it-don't be a.fcan1." Ho they .hook it, one aft~r ilt oth r, all around, all ll ·ri ·cl. Th judge's wife .. h kis.:ed it. Then th ol<l man he ;-;igned i\ pleclg - 1nacl '\ his mark. The j uclg(' .~aid it ·wa.' t 1H? holi eHi time on record, or . omething likr that. Th n they tucked the J) ~ |