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Show gitnlne g'yarter-. nnk ~ 'f I\; got to have '1n, bnt <loan' girnme no rats, I ain' got non. e fr 1nn, skn ly." "But Jitn, you .r;ot t have 'en1-thcy all clo. f-;o don't 1nake 110 1nor \ fu. s about it. l)ri oner~ ain't ev r wilhout rat·. There ain't no instnnre of it. And they train tllern, ancl pet them, and lcnrn tlten1 tricks, nnd they get to b0. as sociahl ar-; fl1 s. Bnt you got to piny 1nusic to then1. -You got anythingto play 1nn 'ic Oil ? .. " I a in· got n nffu hut n ·oa. c coin b n a pi ecc o' pn per, en a j nice-harp; but l reck ·n cley wouldn · tn k n Lock in a j uicc-hnrp." ~' lr{'S they \\Onl<l. Tllf!J (ll)n't carr ,,-]tnt kind of 1nusic 'Li:. A J·ew- 'hn rr)·~ l>l cnt v croocl cnon(rh for n rat. All aninwls li kes . b 0 Jnusic-in a pri~on i lt(',V dole on it. E-;pccia.ll ,\r, 1minflrl 1nnsic; ancl yon can't get 110 other kiu<l out of a j ~\\-s-harp. It ahray. interc 'isih 'Jn; tlH 'ycmneout to see \\· ltaf~ the Jnatt ('r \rHh you. ·y<, ~ . you're a1lright; you're.' fixed very \rcll. -Yon "·ant to set on your bed, nigl1t s, lK'forf' yon go to leep, a1Hl early in the 1norning~, nncl piny your jew:-;-harp; play 'TlH' L;l ~t Link is Broken- that's the thing tlwt'll scoop a rat, qnic.J: er'n Hltytlting eL'e; ancl \rhen you\·r played H bont 1 \\·o Ininul<':.;, you'll see nll the rats, ancl tlH' :nake:.;, aud ·pider. , and things IH'g·in to fC'el worried n bont yon, and co1ne. And they'll j n ·( fairl,v ,·,rann oYer yon, and lwve a noble goo<l tiuH)." "l~es, dey will, I reek'n, ::\Jar To1n, but " -lmt kine cr iime is Jin~ l1avin'? Blc ~ t if I kin see cl pint. J~nt 1'11 do it ef 1 got to. I rrck'n I h<·tter l<eep de ani1nal~ sati. fie(l, en not have no trouble in de house: ' Tom waitrd to think oYer, and see if there wa~n t not hing else ; ancl pretty soon he say : " Oh- there 's one thing I forgot. Could you rai. e a flower here, do you reckon ? '' "I donn' know but 1nnybe I could, l\Iars Tom ; but it's tolable dark in healt, en I ai11' g·ot no n:p fr no flo\rer ' nol10w ~ en . he'd h a pow fnl sight o' tronblf'.' "\\r 11, . ou try it, nnywny. Smno ot lt('l' pri:.;onrr~ hn .· done it.'' "One er detn big cni-tail-lookin' 1n111l( n- ·talk:.; \Youlcl grow in ]lCalt, l\1ars Tom, I reck 'n, bnt she wonldn' b wnth half <1<" trouble shc'<l co .'' "J)on't you believ it. \\rc'1l f<'t ch you nEttie onc,ancl yon --- --- 1 T:m CAT I 0 ;\. plant it in the corn r, over there, and rai.' it. And don't call it mullen, call it Pitchiola-thafs its right na1ne, ·when if8 in a pri ·on. And you ·want to water it with your t ear :· "~rhy, I got plent,y spring water, l\1ars Tom.' "l""ou don't 'Want spring wat r; you \Yant to water it with your tears. Ifs the way th y always do:' '' \\'"hy, l\Iars To1n, I lay I kin raise one r d 111 lnnllen. talks twyste wicl . pring " ·nter while. another man's a sta1·fn one wid tears.~ |