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Show lR TilE ADVL'J.\'TURES 01•' llU('J(LEBh'RRl- l·'Jl(. .Y. . they pray for, why don't Deacon v\Tinn get hack the 111011('}' he lo ton pork? 'Yhy can't the widow get back her .-ilvcr .-nuffbox that wa.· :tole? "\\rhy can't J\li.,s '\'"c.ttson fa~ up? Xo, ~ay:-:; I to n1y~elf, there ain't nothing in it. I 'vent ancl tolcl the widow about it, and she said the tl1ing a body could gf't hy praying for it wa: " spiritual gift:-:.'' This \Vas too 1nany for 1ne, but ·h, told 1ne what she 1n 'ant- I must l1elp other people, and do e\' rything I coultl for other people, and look ont for thCJn all th ti1n , and nev r i hink about n1yf.: 1f. Thi: \ra including ~Ii~s '\'"aLon, <~-s I took it. I 'vent out in the woods and turn eel it over in my 1nincl a long t i1ne, buL I couldn't · e no ad vantage about it-exc pt. for the other peopl ~-~o at last I rcckonecl I wouldn't worry abont it any 1nore, hut j u~t let it go. ~on1Cii1nc · the 1viclow wonlcl take 1n OlH' ~ ide ·1.nd talk about Provicl nee in a way to make a body·.- lltOuth water; but 1nayh next day J\Iis · \\rat~on would take hold and knock it all clown again. I jndgecl [ could ·ee that ther ' wa: two Providence~, and a poor chap wonlcl tancl con.-id 'rabh' -.;how with the widow\; Providen~<', hut if ~I iss \Yat · on'~ got hitn there warn't no help for l1i1n :tny 1norc. I thought it <Ill '>nt, and reckoned I "vonld belong i o the widow':.;, if he \\'a11ted me, though I couldn't 1uake ouL ]J o\v h wa,· agoing to 1)(' any :)cttcr off then tlwn what he wa.' b 'fore, ecinoo· I wa. · ·o iob ·tv>- rant and .'O kin<l of low-down and ornery. Pap he hadn't been seen for more than a year, and that 'ra: <'Omfortable for 111 ~ ; I didn't want to sec him no lnOn'. ] rc n ed to alwny.' whale Inc when he wa. . ob 'rand could get bi · hand~ on n1 ; though I used to take to th woods 1110 ·L of the 1 i1ne \Yhen h ' wa around. "rel l, about this time he wa · foun(l in t h river c1ro\nH.'c1, about twcl vt' 1nile above town, so p eople .:aieL They judg d il was hitn anyway· ·aid thi · drown ~d 1nan ' v ' .ra. jn ... t his size, and wa ragg cl, and had unco1n1non long hair - \rhich wa~ all like pap- but they couldn't. 1nakc n othing out lU of the fac , he ·au,·c i L had lw<'n in the 'v:tt <'r ~o long i L \Yarn 'l 1nuch lik a face aL all. Th ly ._·ai<l h ~was tlnating on his hitck jn th wat r. They took hint and lnlril'd binl on t1H hank. HuL I " 'arn'l eo1 nfortablc long, be ·:tus I ha ppl'1H <l to think of :-;on1cthing. I know c.l 1nighty well that a drownd('<l Jllall don·l Hoat on J1i~ hack, bnL on his fac<'. :--;o 1 knnwc<l, ihl'n, that this \varn't pap, bn L it wotna n clr<'.'Setl np i 11 a tnan '.- cl olhes. ~n [ \Yas uncornfortahl(' again. I jndgc<l tl1e olcl 1n;u1 \roul<l turn up again by-ancl-by, though l wi:he<l he wouldn't. \Y c played l' bbcrs now :nul then about a lll<>llt h :nHl t h('ll [ r e.-igned. All ih ~hoy.- did. 'Yl' h:Hln't robbc(l nobody, W<' hadn't kill cl any p eopl e, bul only ju:-;t prcll'tHl<>cl. \\~e usPd tn hop out oft h woocb and go charging down 011 hog-tlron:l·s it nd wo1ncn in carts taking garden st nff to Hmrk<'t, bnt " .<, JH'V<'l' hived any of UH'tn. Tonl ~a,,·yer ca11ccl tll(' hog: "ingot.·,'' ctnd h e called the turnip: and t ufi 'jnl 'ry," a1Hl \H' wonhl go tot he· <>ave and }>0\V-\ro\\· o\·er 'vhat wr h:Hl don<' :111cl ho\\- 11Htny ]H'opln " - had killed and Jn;lrke<l. But I couldn't s ~c no profil in it. ()netilne To1n .-ent a b>y1o run i\hont town with a blazit1g s tick, which h e called a :-:logan ("hich wa,· iht' sign for lite ( 1 ang to g t i oget her), n n(l tlu~n h said h c h:u l got s 'C l' )! JH' \\' :-{ by his spie,· that n<'xL day a \rholc' parc0l of :--;paui ~:dt llH'rC'hitJd .' and rich A-rab.' \vas going to c:unp in l'aY' 1 follow \ril h t wn lntndred elephant~, ancl six hundred callH'ls, nncl O\'Cl' at hou ~;tJJ ' l '' "'nmter" Jnu1 e.-, all loath'cl clown wilh cli'tnonds, <lncl t lwy didn't have only a gu:1nl of fonr hundr <l soldier.-, and f.:O Wt' \Yould lay in aJnbn.'Citdc, a.' h<' call('cl it, and kill tll lol and ~coop the thing~. lfc ~ni(l \V' Inn. t ·licl ~ up our .-word~ nn <l guns, and g ,t r ·acly. ] [c 1H' \ .<'r oul!l go aft('r e \· 'll at ttrllip< ·art but h 1nn 'L ha ,·e Lhc .-wonl:.; and gnns all sco urc<l np for it ; though they wa.' only ]at h a1Hl hro01n-.-ti · k~, and yo a In ight . · ur at t ~1 "ln till yon rotlt'<l, a ll (l t. h n t h y warn 't worth a lUOuthful of ashes lllOl'C than whaL t h('y \Ya ' bcf )l'C. f didn'L |