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Show TilE ADVE~N'TUllES OF' IIUCJ{LEBERR1'~ FIN-LY. "No; but I don't know everybody yet. I haven't li\'ecl ht r <]Uite two we ks. It'~ a considerable ways to th npper nd of the town. l-ou better .. tay h ro all night. Take off your bonn t .. , "No," I .·ay , " I'll rest awhile, I reckon, and go on. I ain"t afeard of th dark." ~he said sh wouldn~t let 1ne go by 1ny ·elf, hut her hu .. bancl \YOUlcl be in by-and-by, 1nayb in a hour and a half, anu she'd ·cnu hi1n along with 1ne. Then sh got to talking about her hu band, ancl about her relation: np tho river, and her relations down the river, and about how 1nuch b etter off th y u eel to wa and how they didn't know but they\1 1nade a 111istake emning to our town, inst ad of Jetting \vell alone-and so ou and . o on, till I lras afcard I had 1nado a 1nistake coming to lter to find out what was going on in the town; but by-and-by f.;he dropped on to pap and tbe Jnnr<lcr, ancl then I \vas pretty willing to l t her clatt r right along. ~he told about me and Tom ~awy r finding the :ix thousand dollars (only she got it ten) and all about pap and what a hanllot he wa , and what a hard lot I was, and at ln. t he got <low11 to wh re I "Was 1nurdered. I ;·nys : '• \Vho dono it? \\ ... c \ :c heard con iclerablo about these gojngs on, down in 1 [ookcrYill , but we <lon't know ,vho 'bnts that. killed IIuc;k Finn .. , "\Yell, I rec;kon there·.· a right . 1nnrt chance of peopl<· ft pJ·e that'd like to know who killed hirn. • ~orne thinks old Finn clone it him ·elf.'' "No-is that so? " ")lost everybody thought it at first. Ire·n never know ho\Y High he con1e to getting lynched. 13nt before night they chanaed around and J·ucl d ·t .. l . b ge 1 "as < on by a runaway n1gcrcr nruned Jim." b " \\ 7h y he--" 11 UCK AllD TilE WO. .l f.;LY. T stopped. I reckoned I b tter 1<: ep ·till. • he run 011, an<l n ever noticed I had put in at all. "The nigg r run off the very night !luck }'inn was killed. So there's a reward out for hi1n-three hunch· cl dollar:. And there ,s a reward out for old Finn too- b\70 huiHlrecl dollar~. You see, he come to town the 1norning after th 1nnrcler, ancl told about it, and 'vas ont with 'lJn on the £ rry-boat hunt , (HlCl right rnvay after he up and l<·ft. Before night they wanted to lynch him, but he was (rone, you .'C • \\r 11, lll'Xt clay th y found out th nigg r wa, go tH'; they found out he hadn'L hcn.'een sence ten o'cl ck the nighL the 1nurder wa: done. ~o theu they put it on him, yon . e, and \vhile they " a full of it, n xt day back comes old Finn and went boo-hooing to J udgc Thatcher to get mon y to hunt for the nigger all over Illinois with. ~'he jtHlge give hin1 so1nc, and that <'V ning h<' got drunk and \vas around t ill after n1iclni aht with a coupl ~ of micrhty harcl looking ~tra11 gers, and then W<'nt off with thc1n. \V :n, h e hain't come ba k ~cnce, and they a in t looking for hitn back till thi · thing blows over a lit tlc, for 1wop1e 1 hink~ 1\0\V that he killed hi~ boy and fixc<l thing. so folks would t bin 1~ robbers done it and then h e'd g t IIud.;: .' 1non<'Y without having ' 1 . to bother a Ion cr time with a law :nit. People tlo :ny 1.e \Yarn l any too good t~ do it. Oh, he's s1y, I reckon. If he don·t cOJne b::tck for a year, h c"ll be all right. Yon can't prov anything on hil'n you know ; everything will b qui t cl down th n and he'll' walk into I [nck's 1non ey as ea Y as not1 1 1. ng . ' "' Yes I reckon :o, '1n. I don' t s e nothing in 1h e way of it~ I [as 'e verybody quit thinking the n1. ggcr <l on 1"t "·~ " . "Oh, no, not everybody. A good lnany thinks he done IL But th y'll get the nigg r pretty oon, now, an<l Jnnybe they can scare it out of him." " Why, are they after hi1n yet ? " "vV ell, you're innoc nt, ain't you ! Do s three hundre<.l |