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Show 30·) .. (,.,.J TilE AJJr_E~STURES OF IIUCI~LEBERRY. l<'I .Y. l\'. antl .JmnnH:tl it acros tbe bouse and knock d th cat galley\\"<' t . ancl :h, . aiel el-'·r out a ncl lel l1 r have mn peace, and j f we' coin bothering around her again betwixt that nncl dinner, 1 ·1 k' 1 11 () '"e ha<l t lH' o<hl I)OOll ; and droppc'd it in ~ H' <. ,· rll , • Y < her apron pocket. whilst h wa n g.i ving u o~u· ailin.g-ordcr:, and J itn crot it all rjght, along w1th her slnngle-na1l, bPforc noon. 'r~ wa. very well sati.'ficd \vith this busines , and T01n allowc<l it \ra~ w::nth twice the trouble it took, b caus' he ,·aiel 11 vw sh, conldn·t eyer ·ount thc1n . poon. twice alike ag~tin to :-;aYe her life; and wonldn·t believe .. h -''d counted tlu~ut right, if ~h<' llirl; an<l sai<l that after :hc"cl about count '<l h<~r head off, for 1 he n ext three <lnys, he j tulg d .. he "cl give it up and offer to kill anybmly t.hn.t \Yanted her lo ever count t hen1 any 1nore. So we pni ihc sheet back on the line, that njght, and ~tole 011 out of her closet: and k pt on putting it back an<l , tealing it. again, for a coupl of day , till she didn't know how 1nany ~heets she had, any 1nore, an<l .:aiel he didn't ca1·e, a11<l warn't agoing to hnllyri\g the re:t of her 0ul ?ut about it·, a1:d wonldu·t connl thenl ngain not to aY h r hfe, . he drnther the ti.r:t. So we wn.' all righL no,v, as to the ·hirt and th sh eet and i he spoon an<l the can<ll s, by the h "'lp of the calf and the rat an<l the 1nixed-np conn ling; an<l as to the candle tick, it warn't no con:·eq u nee, it \Yonld bl w ovPr by-and-by. Bnt that pie was a job; \YC hacl no nd of troubl with that pic. \Y fix('d 1t up away down in i he \Yood .. , and cooked it there; and "·e got it don at last, and very ati factory, too; l1nL not all in one clay; and we luul to use up thr e wash-pans fnll of flour, before ·we got through, and we got burnt pretty 1nuch all ov r, in place .. , and eye put out ·with the srnoke; becaus , you .'er, w didn't want nothing but a cru. t, and we couldn t prop it up right, and .. be would always cave in. But of cours0 we thought of the right way at last; which 'vas to TIIE fVITCII PIE. 3 3 cook th ladder, too, in Lh pic. So tlten \Y( ~ laitl in with Jim ibe , econd night, and tore up the sh ct all 1n l ittl \ .. t rina , ancl twist d them together, and long befor daylight w lw<l a lovely rope, that you could a hung a p r on \vith. \\\~ h~i on it took nin 1nonths to 1nak it. Ancl in i h<' forenoon we to-k it down to t lt<' wootl ·, hut it 0~ E OF HIS ANCESTOHS. wonldn 't go in the pie. Being made of a \vholc · h('et, that \ray, there was rope enough for forty pie, , if w ,'d a want ,cl ihe1n, and plenty left over for soup, or sausage, or anyt hi11g you choo ·e. \r c could a had a whole dinner. But we didn't need it. All we needed wa jn~L rnough for the pie, and so we throwed the re t away. \\r c didn"t cook none of the pies in the wash pan, afraid the solder w ulcl 1nelL |