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Show 3\J-1 TilE ADrENTUllES Ql/ Il UC11.LEBERR1 .. l·'l1YN. "That ain't the idea. l .. ou {jVl to do it with t ar~:· " She'll eli on my han·R, l\iar · Tom, she holy will ; ka e I Joan' , ka ely )v 'r cry.'' 0 T n1 \Va , tu1nped. BuL he tudied it over, <nH.l then ~aid Jin1 ·would have to ·worry along th best he coulcl with an onion. }[c promised he would go to the nigger cabin .· and drop one, privat , in Ji1n's coffee pot, in th Inorning. Jim Raid he \VOLlld "jis' 's soon have tobacker in his coffi e ;" and found so much fault with it, and with the \York and bother of raising the mullen, and jews-harping the rats, and pcttino· and flattering up the ·nakes and spid rs and thing , on top of all the other work he had to do on pens, and in ·cri pt ion , and journaL, and things, ·which 1nacle jt rnor trouble and worry and rc pon~ ibility to be a prisoner than anything be ever undertook, that Tom n1ost lo.t all patienc with hi1n; ancl aid he was just load ned do\'v~n \vith 1nore gaudier chances than a pri ·oner ever had in the ·world to Ina k a name for hi1nself, and yet he didn't kno\v enough to appreciate them, and they was j u. t about \vasted on hi1n. ~o Jim he was sorry, and said he \\~ouldn't behave so no Inore, and tben me and Tom shov d for becl. I I I a er I / Kl~l~Pl~(~ Oli'J•' DuLL '1'1.1\-1 E~. IX tltc n1orning we went up i tlte village and bought a wire rat trap and £ tched it down and unstopped tlte be. ·t rat hole, ancl in about an honr w keep off the dull time for her. I tad fifteen of t l1 e bulliest kind of one. ; and then \Y took it and put. it in a ~afe place under Aunt • ~ally's b d. But while \Ye was gon ) for . pi<1 r ·, littl ' 1'hoina J~'ranklin Benjamin J effer on Elc>x<.n1tler Phelp.· found it thcr an<l opened the door of it to s e if t lte rat. \Yould com ont, and th y did; and Auni Nally. he eoilll' in, and wh n we got back ~l1c was a standing on 1 op of the b d raising Cain, and tile rat~ \vas doing what they could t • 'o ·he to k and dust. cl u both with the hickry, and ,,-e \nt.' a.· 1nuch as two hour· catching another fifteen or sixte n, drat that meddle.'OJnc cub, and th y warn't the likeliest, nuth r, be ·nne the fir'L haul wns th piek |