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Show 'J'IIE AlJrL'.J.YTURES OF If[J('J{LEBERR1- Fl.Y,.\~ .Jan .·h jurnp d for thern, and the hare-lip jumped for the duke, and th re th y /l(ul it! Everybody 1no t, len:tways \rornen, cri d for joy to :ee the1n m et again at la. t ancl hav, f'uch good time.·. Then the king he hunched the duke, pri\·ate-I .·ec him clo it-and then he looked around and s the coffin, OYer in the corner on two chairs; ·o t h n, hirn and the cluke, ·with a 1wnd aero. s each other\~ . boulder, and t'oLh )r hand to their <'yes, ·walk J .low and olen1n over there, Ycryhody dropping lH1ck to gi,- tl1e1n roorn, ancl all the talk ancl noi~c stopping, pcupl aying " ~h. · and all the 1nen taking their hatH off ancl drooping their heads, o you could hear a pin fall. Ancl \rben tht>y got thcr , they bent over and looked in th c >ffin, ancl took on , ight, and then they hursL out a crying so yon could a heard thern to Orlean~, Jno ,·t; and then they put their ann :1round each other's neck~, and hung their chin.· oYer en ·h other·· houldcr ·; and then for three 1nin ut , or 1nayl)r fo nr, 1 never sec hvo n1en leak the -way they done. And 1nintl you, <\\·crybody wa. doing the :une ; and th place \vas that cl<unp I n ,·er f'Ce anythincr lik it. Then one of the1n got on one side of the coffin, and t'other on t'ot her sid , and they knecl~d clown and rc ted their for h ads on the coffin, and let on to pray all to their elves. ,,.,. 11, when it cornc to that, it worked the crowd like you never se anything like H, and o eYerybody broke <lown and w nt to ·obbing right out loud--the poor girl., too; and every ·wo1nan, nearly, went up to the girl , ·without f-'aying :t \vorcl, and kis. ed them, solemn, on the forehead, anrl then put their haud on their head, and ] oked up towards the ky, \vith the t ar running down, and then busted out ancl went off ·obbing and ·wabbing, and give th n xt \VOtnan a .. l10w. I n \,·er ee anything o disgusting. \\'" ~11, by-and-by the king he g t up and con1 forward a little, and ·works hilnself up and lobbers out a ~pcecb, all full SI.A,.Gll'lG TILE "DOJYOLOJER.' :!-17 of t ars and flapdoodle about it · being a ~ore trial for hin1 and his poor brother to los the di~ a d, and to 1ni~~ H <'ing di. \:1 e<l ali vc, after th long journ \y of f ur thou and n1ih\, but it ~ a trial thaf · \Veetened and sanctifi d to u hy thi. c1 ar .·y1npathy and the ·e holy tears, and o h thank· thctn oni of hi · hrt~rt ancl onL of his brother· .. lt cart, 1) cnn~e ont of (h('ir Jllou.th:-- J . EAKI~(:. they ean't, word.· being too \V a.k and cold, anc.l all tl1ai kincl of rot and slush, till it was jn .. t . ick ning; and then h blubbers out a pious goody-goody An1cn, ancl turn him. If loose ancl goes i o crying fit to bu -t. And the 1ninute the words was out of his mou h somebody over in the crowd struck up the doxolojer, and everybody j oin d |