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Show ( ~""" -. .. ,., ·. ~ I / ... , J ~~ I~.., / . ' 'i .J • ' I .~· ~ (,I II. (~ \ I I -? / "1'1' A~IOL'XTED TO • OJ\IETII fXG llEl~(; A HAFT .\1AX."' ·lept 1nost all day anll tart d out at ni<rht a ,...., ' little \Yays behind a 1non ·trous long 1 aft. that was as lon<T aoi11o· b h h by as a procc\f':..;i on. ~~~<' had four lo11g s\reeps at each e-nd, . o w judged sh cnrriell a. 1nany a t hiri y n1 ~n, likely. She ha<l five big wigwams aboard, wid~ apart, an<l all open carnp fire in the midctl , and a tall flag-pol at ea ·h end. Thcr "·a a power of style about her. It a?no'L~ntecl to sorn - thing being a raft·man on such a craft as that. "re went drifting down into a big bend and the niaht t·loud d UI) and got llot · 1,h e r1. Yer was ver'y w1. de and wo as walled with solid timber on both side ; you couldn •t s e a 1·)d•) break in it hardly ver, or a light. ,,.. . c talkc~<l about Cairo, cl11cl wonder .cl whether \V would know it when we got to it. I , aid likely w w uldn't, becan I had heard ,'ay ther' warn't hnt about a cloz n hou s there and if tit y <lidn't happen to have the1n lit up, how wa. we going to lolO\V we \\a .· pas.'ina a i O\Vll? Jin1 aid if th~ two big river .. ' j oin d tog ilH r titer<', that \vould. sho\v. But I said maybe we might thinl· w} was pas ing the foot of an island and co1ning into the ·:.nn l<l ri,·er again. That disturb d Jin1-ancl 111 too. ~o tIt qnest ion wa , what to do ? I ·aid, paddl a hor t hr first ti1nc a light . h \V d, and tell the1n pap \nts b hind, co1ni1lg along \ritlt a tra<lin cr-scow, and was a gr en hancl at i h businr. s a1Hl \ranted to know how far it was to Cairo. Ji1n t bought it " ·a::; a <rood icl a, . o ·we took a s1nok on it and \vait <L There \Varn't nothing to (l , now, but to look out ·harp for t h town, ancl not pa it wit houl e ing it. l r ·aid h ·'cl bt' 1nighty nr to . ee it, b cau e h ,'(l he a fr Jnan the 1ninute he en it, but if h 1ni~s <1 it h ~ "<.l bP in th ' Ja\ c country again ancl no more show for fr 'don1. l~n'ry lit ll ' \\ ltil' he jtnnps up and . ays: " l)ah she is ! " But it warn't. It was Ja k-o-lant rn · or lighlning-bug" ; so he set down again, ancl went to watching, ·~un a. bcfor ~ . Jim aid it 1nacle him all ov r trembly and f'vcri ·h to be so clos to freedom. \\"'ell, I can tell you iL 1na< l ' In all OY r 1 rembly and feveri h, too, to h ar him, b can I hcgnn to g t. it through my head that he ~va m st fr - and who wa t.o bla1ne for it? vVhy, rrne. I coulcln t g t i hat ou t f 1ny ·on- ·cience, no ho\v nor no way. It got t troubling 1ne . o [ couldn t rest; I couldn't stay still in on place. It hadn't e r come home to me before, what thi: thing \Va that I wa doing. But now it did; an l it .{aid with me, antl corche<l 1ne 1nor an l more. I trie l t.o mak out to 1ny lf that I wnrn't to hlan1e, |