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Show . ' 'l'UH~l~G OVEl~ THE TllUCK. B Y-antl-by, when we got -~ up, we turned over i he ... truck th gang had .toh· off of the wreck, m1d found boot , and blankets, and cloth f', and all ~ort' of other thing. .;; and a lot of book~, ancl a, .-pygla ,, and three hoxe.- of s egars. "\V c hadn"t ever been tl1i .. rich b fore, in ncit lH'r of our lives. Th seegar: \vas pd1ne. \\\· laid off all the aft crnoon in the wood: talk-ing, and me reading t11<' books, and having a g n ral good tirne. I told Jim all about what happene.d inside t.h e wreck ' and at th 'n-. fe. rry-b oat ; and I saH· l these kinds of thtngs was adventur s; but he aid he didn •t want no more adventures. lie said that when I went in i be t xas, and he crawled back to get on the raft and found hPr A~ OE:SERAL 0001) TLl!E. ] J!) g nP, he nearly eli d; be an: he jndge<l it wa~ all np witlt J, int, anyway it could l1 fixed; for if he dicln•t g ·t saY('d lll' would g ~t drownded; and if h ) di(l g ,t saYed, who ver ~ an·d hin1 would send hitn back hotn' .-o a~ to geL tht~ r wanl, mHl th n l\1.i. · "\Vat.·on would ell hi1n ~onth, sure. \V ·11, he \\a:-; right; h \ wa.· mo ·t always right; hP had an uncmnn1on l<'Y('I h ad, for a nigger. I read con::;idcrable to Jinl about kings, and duke~, au(l earl~, and such, and how gaudy tlH'Y dres.·ed; and how 11111 ·h tyle they put on, an l called each ot h r your nwj ''ty, and yonr grac , and your lord hip, and ·o n, :trad of 111 i ·t 'r ; and .J i tn · .. c:y s bugged out, and b wa int r ·ted. l fe .'ay:: ' I didn't know dey wa. so 1nany un tnn. I bain t l1cnrn 'bout none un lUn, skasely, but ole ]{ing Sollcnnun, onl ' .. s yon counts d m king.~ daf .in a pack ('l' l·'yarcl . l low nut ·h do a lo .n g gt' t ?. " '' G t? ~' I . ays ; "why, they get a thou 'and d llar ' a 1nont h if th y \vant it; th y can haY) jn~t :1: nntch n , they wm1t ; }V(\rything b long to tlH'tn.'~ "1l in'l clat gay? l~u what d y <rot to c1o, l{ nek?" "They don't do nothing! "\Yhy, how you talk. 'l'lH·y j u~t t aronnd." '~ No--i. dat . o?' ' Of cours it i ,. Th y j usL set aroun<l. hxc pt 1nny b<' wh n thPre's a war; t h n they go to the war. But oth 'r t inl<' :-; they just lazy around; or go hawking- just hawking anJ :-:p- Sh !- d' yon hear a noi.. ? " '" e kipped out and looked; but it warn't nothing but thP t1utter of a stean1boat's wh 1, awcty down co1ning around t h<' point; so we come back. . . "Ye ," ays I, "and other ti1n , wh n tlnngs 1s dull, thPy fus. with the parlyment; and if eY .rybody don't g jn t o he whacks their heads off. But mo ,tly th y hang round the har n1. ' |