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Show 10 ahout bad luck, and o I a keel him if th r warn't any goodluck sign. . }[ say : ":\iighty few- an· dey ain' no u. e to a l~ ody. What yon want to know when goocl luck's a-co1nin' for? want to k(•cp il off?., Ancl h aiel : " Ef yon's got hairy anns en a hairy hreas', it s a ~igu <lat you\; a gwyn to be rich. "\\r e11, d('y' . some n e in a sign like clat, 'kase it', so fur ahead. )~ ou s 'e 1nayb yon': got to he po' a long time fust, en so you mi o·ht O'it' h 0 di. co urn ac en 1..: ill yo'. c 1 f 'f you dicln' know by clo j gn dat ym1 gwync to be rit:lt byn1 'by .~' "IIaYC yon crot hairy arm. ancl a hniry brca t, .Tim?., "\rhat's d(' n 'C to ax <lat que Lion? clon' you seo I ha~ '! ., "\V<·ll, an' yon rich?" "No, but I b('en rich wnnst, an(1 gwyn<: to be rich agin. \V nn t I bacl fot<·en <1ollar , but I tuck to spccnlafu', en got hu:tP<l out .. , " \Vhat eli< 1 you spc ·ulate in, Jim ? " '' \Vell, fn·t I tackl d tock? ;, " \Yha:t. kind of tock? " "\Vhy, liv .tock. Cattle, you know. I put ten dollar · in a cow. But I nin' gwync to resk no mo' rnon y in stock. Dr· cow up 'n' die<l on my han's." "~o you lo. t the t n dollars." "No, I dicln lo;-;e it all. I on'y los' ·bout nino of it I sole de hide en tall r for a dollar en t n cents." • ''You had fiv' dollars and ten cents left. Did you sp culatc any more?" "l-r l~ . es. ou know dat one-lajgged nigger dat b·long · to o]d 1. '1L'to Bradi h ··~ well , 11 e so t up a b an k , en ay anybody clat put 1n a dollar would nit fo' dollars mo' at 1 ' ~1 ' u . h c c c e en er ue year. 'tell, all de nlgcr~r went . b t d d'd ' h , b · 111, u ey 1 n ave n1uch. I wnz de on Y one dat had n1uch. So I stuck out for mo' dan fo~ dollars, en [ 'aid 'f I didn' git it I'd start a bank mysef. 'r •11 71 o' course da.t nigger want' to k p me out Pr cl <' busine. , b kasc h say dey ·warn't busin s 'nongh for two hanks, ,'o hP say I coulu put in myfivr- dollars en h pay1nr thirly-fiv~ at de n' cr <1 ~ year. ' Bo I <lop. it. l)cn I rcck'n'd I'd inYc ·' de i hirty-fivc· J\Jl~TO RH.ADlSH'S NIGGER. dollars right off on keep things a-movin'. 1) y wnz a ni~ger: name' l3ob, dat hacl ketch d a wood-flat, n his rnarster chdn know it; en I bought it off'n him en told hiu1 to take dt> thirty-five dollars when c1 en' er de year come; but ~ornebody stole c1;) wood-flat dnt night, en n ex' day de onP-latgged |