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Show 446 1\IAXl' IS. INDEX. 1\lETAT.T.UR.\. pretty girls by the New Zealand chief:~, ii. 369. Jlfantis, pugnacity of spedes of, i. 360. :MAltCUS Aurelius, on tlH! origin of the moral sense, i. 71; on the influence of habitual thoughts, i. 101. Mw·eca penelope, ii. 114. :MAHKl:i, rctaiueu throughout groups of birds, ii. 131. MARit LI.OE, influence of, upon morals, i. 9G; restraints upon, among savages, i. 133 ; inlluence of, on mortality, i. 175; development of; ii. 3Gl. MAHRTAGES, communal, ii. 358, 3G0; early, i. 174, 175. MAHSIIAf,r., Mr., on the brain of a Bushwoman, i. 21G. MAitSUPJAL<;, i. 202; possession of nipples by, i. 209; their origin from Monotremata, i. 213; uterus of, i. 12:.!; development of the nictitating membraur in, i. 23; abdominal ~a cks of, i. 254; relative size of the sexes ot; ii. 260; colours of, ii. 286. MAnSUI'lUlii, rudimentary, in male marsupials, i. 208. MAH'L'lN, W. C. L., on alarm manifested by an orang at the sight of a turtle, i. 4a; on the hair in Jlylobatcs, i. 194; on a female American deer, ii. 258; on the Y<ti <:c of JJ,dobates ayilis, ii. 277 ; on &mnopith.:cus nemams, ii. 3l2. MAitTIN, on the beards of the inhabitants of St. Kilda, ii. 321. MARTJ :-~:; deserting their young, i. 84. MAit'L'INS, C., on death caused by inflammation of the Yermiform appendage, i. 28. MASTOID proce~s s in man and apes, i. 143. MAuosr.~;Y, Dr., on the influence of the sense of smell in man, i. 24; on Laura Bridgman, i. 58; on the ~~e~elopment of the vocal organs, I. <>9. MA Yims, '\V'. F., on the domestication of the goldfish in China, ii. 17. MAYHEW, E., on the afl'ection between individuals of different sexes in the Jog, ii. 270. , MAYNAlW, C. J., on the sexes of Clwy-semys pirtu, ii. 28. . . :r.fJ.:cKEL, on conclated vanat10n or the muse! 'S of the arm and leg, i. 130. MlmiCINES, elfcct produced by, the same in man and in monkeys, i. 1:!. Medltste, bright colours of some, i. 322. J'IJEGALlTIHC structures, l)rcvalence of, i. 233. • ]J[egcdophr!;.~ montana, sexual differences iu, ii. 2G, 27. ]Jfegapicus vatidns, sexual difference of colour in, ii. 17,b. ]J{cgasoma, large size of males of, i. 347. M~-:10 . , Dr. A., on variation in the skulls of the natives of America, i. 108. ?.'fi.:INECKE, on the numerical proportion uf the sexes in butterflies, i. 309. 1111-:LIPI L\ C:T01l ·:, Australian, nidifi cation of, ii. 1G9. Jlfclita, secondary sexual characters of, i. 331. -~feloe, difT'erencc of colour in the sexes of a speeie:s of, i. 367. MEMOitY, manifestations of, in animals, i. ..J.5. "?lfEillNON, y011Ug, i. 217. M.I·:NTAL characters, llifl'crcnce of, in difl'crent races of men, i. 21G. )'fENTAI. faculties, variation of, in the same species, i. 3li, 110; diversity of, in the same race of men, i. 109 ; inheritance of, i. llO; similarity of the, in dillerent races of man, i. 232; of birds, ii. 108. MENTAL powers, difl'nrence of, in the two sexes in man, ii. :l2G. ll{c!l'!!'l'ct Alberti, ii. 102; song of, ii. ;,),) , .Mimum superba, ii. 101, 102; long tails of both sexes of, ii. 164. MERG.\NSJ•:R, trachea of the male, ii. 60. Jlfcryus cucultcrtlls, speculum of, i. 291. 'JfCI'[j'ltS 711C1'[JWlSCI', young of, ii. 189. M~~·gm~ser scn·ator, male plumage of, II. 8<>. Metalltwa, srlcndid tail-feathers of, ii. 152. J 1\IETIIOC.\. INDEX. JlfONSTROS 1'1' n:s. 447 Jrlcthora iclmeumoniJe~, lar"'e male of i. :)47. " ' MEv"s, M., on the drumming of tho snipe, ii. 63. M~>XICANs, ci 1·ilisation of the, not foreign, i. 18:J. l\l"Y I·:H, on a convoluted body at tho extremity of the tail in a ]Jfllcacus and a cat, i. 30. MEYKR, Dr. A., on the copulation of phryganidm of t!istinct species, i. :342. MLUitATJOXS of man, effects of, i. 135. l\fiGRATOIW instinct of birds, i. 79; vanquishing the mnternnl, i. 83, 90. Mn.r., J. S., on the origin of the moral sense, i. 71; on the "greatest happiness principle," i. 97 ; on the difference of the mental powers in the sexes of man, ii. 328. MII.LIPI·: D"R, i. 339. :MrLNI·:-En\1'.\I.WS, H., on the llSe of the enlarged chela of the male Gcla sinws, i. :l:n. 111.ilm,rJO lettcurus, sexes and young of, ii. ~05. :MlllllCKIW1 i. 411. Jlinws potyglottus, ii. 109. MtNn, dillcronce of, in man and the highest animals, i. 10·~; simi la1·ity of the, in dilTerent races, i. 2:32. MrNxow, proportion of the sexes in the, i. 308, 309. 1\Inewws, spawning habits of; ii. 15. Mrrmou, larks attracted by, ii. 112. Mn'AHT, St. George, on the reduction of organs, i. 18; on the ears of the lemuroidea, i. 23 ; on variability of the muscles in lcmuroidea, i. 128, l:JU ; on the caudal vertcbnc of monkey~, i. 150; ou the classification of the primates, i. 1 9G ; on the orang and on man, i. 197; on di!'ferences in tho lcmuroidea, i. 198; on tho crest of the male newt, ii. 24. :r.fOCKING-TllnUSII, partial migration of, ii. 109; young of the, ii. 219. MOmFrCAT!ONS, unserviceable, i. 153. MOLl·:s, numerical proportion of the sexes in, i. 305; battles of male, ii. 239. Moltienesia petencnsis, sexual difference in, ii. 9. MOLI.USC.\1 beautiful colours and shapes of, i. 32G; absence of secon~~?,' sexual characters in the, i. MOLLUSCOrnA, i. 205, 324. Monacantlms scopas and .Af. Pcronii sexual difl'crences in, ii. 12. ' MoNGOLIANS, perfection of the senses in, i. 119. MO~KEY, protecting his keeper from a baboon, i. 78, 87; bonnet-, i. 192; rhesus, ·exual diAercncc in colour of the, ii. 29:~, 310 ; moustachecolours of the, ii. 2!)1. ' Mmnn:YS, liability of, to the same d~s~ases as man, i. 11 ; male, recogmtJOn of w.omen by, i. 13; revenge taken by, 1. 40 ; maternal affection in, i. 40; nriability of the facultv of attention in, i. 44 ; using stones and sticks, i. 51 ; imitative faculties of, i. 56; signal-cries ot; i. 57 ; sentinels posted by, i. 74; diversity of the ment.al faculties in, i. 110; mutual kmdnesses of, i. 75; hands of the, i. 1:39, 140; breakinO' han! fruits with stones, i. 1..J.O;" basal caudal vertebrm of, imbedded in the body, i. 151; human characters of i. 191; gradation of species or' i. 227 ; beards ot; ii. 283; ornn~ mental characters of, ii. :JOG ; nnalogy of sexual dillercnces of, with those of man, ii. 318; different degrees of diA'erence in the sexes of ~~· 32~~; expression of emotions by; 11. 33G; generally monoO'amous habits of, ii. 361; poly~amou~ habits of some, ii. 362; nak~d surfaces of, ii. 37G; American manifestation of reason in, i. 47 · American, direction of tho hair' on the arms of some, i. 192. MONOGAMY, not primitive, i. 182. MONOGENlSTS, i. 228. :b-lon01~yclms pseudacori, stridulation of, 1. 382. MOXOTREJITATA, i. 202; de>elopment of the nictitating membrane in, i. 23 ; l~1ctiferous glands of, i. 209 ; f.o~~~~tmg mammals with reptiles, MONSTROSITIES, analogous, in man and lower animals, i. 113; causecl by arrest of development, i. 121 |