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Show 434 OEUNI~E. INDEX. l!ATIF.. GuE~EI<:, A., on the sexes of Jfypcrythra, i. 310. UUH,m.so, L, on the stridulation of the Lr)('ttstidm, i. :152. Guu.LEMOT, variety of the, ii. 127. GtnNEA, sheep of, with males only homed, i. 289. Guu<~,A-J•'OWI., monogamous, i. 2fl!l; occasional polygamy of the, i. 2i0; markings of the, ii. 134. GtriNEA-l'lGS, iuheritance of the efl'ccts of operations by, ii. :~80. Gur,r., instam:e of reasoning in n, ii. 108. GuLr.~, seasonal change or plumage in, ii. 228; white, ii. 228. Gt.iNTIIlm, Dr., on hcrmapln·oditism in St:n'(()ttts, i. 208; on male fishes hatching ova in their months, i. 210, ii. :W; ou mistaking infertile female fishes for males, i. 308; on the prehcnsi lc organs of male Plagiostomous fishes, ii. 2; on the pugnacity of the male salmon and trout, ii. 3; on the relative Rize of the sexes in fishes. ii. 7; on sexual dirfercn<' es in fishes, ii. 8 ct seqq.; on the genus Cattio'llyrnus, ii. 9; on a protective resemLlancc in a Pipefish, ii. 18; on the genus •'-'ofr:nostomu, ii. 22 ; on J1rJ!]rtlopft,·ys montana, ii. 26; on the coloration of frogs and toads, ii. 26; on sexual difl'crences in the Ophidia, ii. 2!l; on difi'crcnces of the ~exes of liz;mls, ii. 32 et scrzq. Gynrmisr1 Isis, ocellatcd spots of, ii. 132. OYJ'l:IIES, uniformity of, in various parts of the worlu, i. 242. 'H, a member of the Catarrhine gro11p,. i. l!l9; on the position of the Lemuridll', i. 202; on the genealogy of the }1nmmalia, i. ~0:3 ; on the lance let, i. 204; on the transparency of pelnO'iC nnimals, i. 32:1; on the musical powers of women, ii. :137. !IAOI·:N, 11., and WHbh, B. D., on American neuroptcra, i. 31.J.. liAlli, development of; in man, i. 2.J.; ch:uacter of; supposed to be determined by light ancl heat, i. llG; tribution of; in man, i. 14\J, ii. :375; possibly removed for ornamental l)urposes, i. 1.J.9; arrangement aml direction of, i. 192 ; of the early progenitors of man, i. 206 ; difl'crent texture of, iu tfi~tinct races, i. 216 ; and skin, correlation or colour of, i. 248 ; development of, in mammals, ii. 281; management of, among difl'crcnt veople ·, ii. :1+0 ;· great length of; in some Korth American tribes, ii. :148; elongation of the, on the human henu, ii. 380. ll.\JIUNES.~, dill'ercncc of, in tl1e sexes in mnn, ii. :l20; variation of, itt races of men, ii. :121. IIAmS nnd excretory pores, numerical relation of, in sheep, i. 2.J.8. HA!IW £u11ily, Siamese, ii. :378. liAMAnltYAS baboon, tnming owr stones, i. 7:\; mane of the male, ii. 267. HA~IILTO:-<, C., on the cruelty of the Kaffirs to animals, i. fi.J.; on the engrossment of the women by the KafRr chiefs, ii. ~369. liAl\1!\H:H[N(}, difTiculty or, i. LIS. HANCOCK, A., on the colours of the nudibr:mch mollusca, i. :J:W. IIANns, larger at birth, in the chil-li. A.nrrs, bau, facilitated by familiarity, i. 101 ; variability of the force of, ' i. 183. dren of lnbourcrs, i. 117; structure of, in the q uadrumana, i. 139; and arms, fr~ctlom of, indirectly correlated with diminution of ca- HXcKJo:J,, E., on the origin of man, i. 4 ; on rudimentary characters, i. 17 ; on the canine teeth in man, i. 126; on death cause<! by inflammation of the vermiform appcmlagc, i. 28; on the steps by which man became a lJipcd, i. 142; on man as nines, i. 144. HANDWlU'l'ING, iuheritetl, i. 58. HARCOURT, E. Vernon, on Friugili<l cannabina, ii. 86. Harclde~ gtacialis, ii. 122. HARE, protective colou1·ing of the, ii. ~!lB . JIAni•:H. INDEX. UOFE'liEIW. 435 llAm:H, battles of male, ii. 2!JU. HAnLAN, Dr., on the difi'ercnl'C hetween field- and house-sla 1·e~, i. 246. !IAHitiS, J. M., on the relation of complexion to climate, i. 2.J.5. liAIUtiS, T. W., on the Katy-ditl locust, i. 3.:>:3; on the stridulation of the grasshoppers, i. 357 ; on U~'crmtlnt8 nivalis, i. 361; on the colonring of Lepi<loptcra, i. 396 ; on the colomiug of Satumi£1 Io, i. 398. IlAHHY-LONO-LlWS, pugnacity ofmalc, i. 349. liAin'MAN, Dr., on the singing of Cicada septcndecim, i. :J!il. HAUOil'l'ON, S., on a variation of the flexor polticis tonyus in man, i. 129. HAWKS, feeding orphan nestling, ii. 107. 1Ln'£S, Dr., on the diverging of sledge-dogs on thiu icc, i. 46. li"AD, altered position of, to suit the erect attitude of man, i. 1.J.3 ; hairiness of, in man, i. 149; processes of, in male be ties, i. 370; artificial alterations of the form of tlJC, ii., 351. lfi.:Ait:>m, on strif'e for women amonO' the North American Indians, ir 324; on the North American Jntliaus' notion of female beauty, ii. :N.J.; repeated elopements of a North American woman, ii. 372. lii·:AilT, in the human embryo, i. 1G. If"A'r, supposed ell'ccts of, i. llli. Ifectocotyle, i. 325. HEDOE-WAitllf,I,;R, ii. 198; young of the, ii. 209. lfr.EL, small projection of, in th Aymam lndians, i. 120. HEGT, 111., on the development of the spurs in peacocks, i. 290. liELICONIDA,, i. 387; mimickry of, Ly other butterfiies, i. 411. lleliopatlws, stridulation peculiar to the male, i. 383. Ileliothn'x auriculate,, young ot; ii. 188, 189. llelix pomatia, example of individual attachment in, i. 325. HELLINS, J., proportions of SC.ICS of Lepidoptera reared by, i. 313. H~-:r,~£110LT7., on the vi!,mtiou of the auditory hairs of c1·ustacea, ii. 383. H"Mll'TlmA, i. il+9. J[clllilmtJ1ts, hcartllcss in both sexc ·, ii. 283. IIEPUUit=-<, Mr., on the autumn song of the water-ouzel, ii. 54. I!epialus hnm11li, sexual difl'cl·ence of colour in the, i. :)99, 402. HERBS, poisonous, a1·oideu by animals, i. 36. llimMAPiliWDITJSM of embryos, i. 207. Jlerodin~ bubttlcus, vernal moult of, ii. 84. H1mox, lo\'c-gcst urcs of a, ii. 68. HI::ItON, tiir ]{., on the habits of peafowl, ii. 1l!l, 120, 152. HI::RO:-<s, decomposed feathers in, ii. 74; breeding plumnge of, ii. 82, 83 ; young of the, ii. 208; sometimes dimorphic, ii. 214 ; continued growth of crest and plumes in the males of' some, ii. 216; change of colour in some, ii. 231. Hctmr·ina, dillerence in the sexes of, i. ~.162 ; proportion of the sexes in, i. 314. lfeterocrJrtts, str idulation of, i. 379. llEWlTT, Mr. on a game-cock killing a kite, ii. 4-1:; on the recognition of <logs an<l cats by ducks, ii. 110; on the pairing of a wild duck with a pintail drake, ii. 115; on the courtship of fowls, ii. 117; on the coupling of pheasants with common hen·, ii. 122. Hmnoo, his horror of breaking his caste, i. 99, 103. HINDOO ·, local dillercncc of stature among, i. 115 ; dillercnce of, from Europeans, i. 240 ; colour of the beard in, ii. 319. llipparchia Jcmira, instability of the occllated spots of, ii. 132. Jfip)JCII'Ckim, i. 387. Hippocampus, development of, i. 210; ~;ta~·s u pial receptacles of the male, 11.21. HIPPOPOTAMUS, nakedness of, i. 148. Hn>S, proportions of, in soldiers atlll sailors, i. 117. HODGSON, S., on the sense of duty, j. 71. HOI'FDERG, on tho horns of the rein- 2 F 2 |