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Show 4.)+ l'EACOt.:K. IXDEX. l•JIC:.\S .\:o-:T. thr, ii. 1 :1;,; ineonn•nienC<' ol' lt•ng tail or the, to the r('l\1:111'. ii. 1.'•4, LIJ+, ll)il; <'Ontinnrd intTea~e of beauty of tlw, ii. '21 li. L'EACOCK-BU'l"l'EI:FLY, i. :1!):.!. I'E.\VOWL, prcli!!·cnce of femal es fi11· a particular malr, ii. ·1 '20; fir,t a<ll'anees matle by the female, ii. L20. l'r•dicnli of do111 ~tie animals and man, i. 21D. l'I ·:DlGI~EE of man, i. '2l:i. l 'c•dionouws torr;uutas, sexes of, ii. 201. I'Ef:WI'l', wing-tubercles of the male, ii. +8. l'ELA<: IC animals, transparency of, i. :12:3. l'dccanus <JI',Ijtlo·ul'll.'flldllls, horny c•·rst. on the beak of the malr, tlnring; ·lhc brectlincr season, ii. HO. Pelccanu~ "'unoao/alus, spring vlunwr_;P of, ii. 8.>. J'ELELI:;, ii. :1-+l. l'l·: LT('A:"l', blind, fetl by his <:OIIlpanions, i. 77; young, ~uidccl by oltl ~~inl~, i. 77; vuguacity of the male, 11. 4:J. l'El.lCASR, fishing in concert, i. 7.). l 'dol!ius l!cmnunli, stridulation ol~ i. :380, 38:.!. PELVJS, alteration of, to suit the erc>ct attitude of man, i. L4:1; diflercnees of the, in the sexes in man, ii. :n7. PcneloJiC ni;Jm, sound prod uce<l by the male, ii. u4. PE~:'il'AST, on the batt les of seals, ii. 240; on the blmldcr-11osc tiCal, ii. ~78 . Pcnthe, antenna! cushio11· of the male, i. :3-1-:J. PEHCII, brightness of' male, during; breeding ~cason, ii. 1:1. l'lmEGIUNI·: Falcon, new mate founcl by, ii. 104. l'ElUOD of yariability, relation of, to sexual selection, i. :WG. PEI~romcrTY, yital, Dr. J.nycock on, ' i. 12. l'EIUOD.', lunar, follow rl by functions in man and animals, i. 1:!, ~12 . Pt·:moos of lif'c, inheritance nt. corresponding, i. 280, ~85. J'crisoreus canadensis, youug of, ii• 209. Pcritricltia, diO'erencc of <'Olour in the sexes of a spccicti of, i. :lli7 · P"ltlWf;o.;l(LI·:, i. :1'24. Pcn~is rristata, ii. l:!G. l'..:usi·: I·EnA;o.;CE, a characteristic of man, ii. :328. 1'1-:JtSIA:-;s, said to he impru1·e,l by intermixture with <4eorgians nml Circnssians, ii. :ti7. Pl·:nsosi'AT, l\1., on Jlmn'•!J-ll J(mul/ nai, i. :;LO. J'EIWVJA;o.;s, ·il'ilisation of thl', not f'oreign, i. 18:3. .. , ·• l'E'l'HEI.-;, colours of, 11. 2,0. l'etrocinc;/1{ r·yanr·u, young u!', ii. :! In. /'efr·unia, ii. :!L:l. !'FE I FFJ-:1~, ltla, on Ja 1·a ne~(· irlcas of beauty, ii. 347. l'hacodw:rus 11'1/ri"Jiir·fr.<, tu:,k~ and pads of', ii. '2G.·>. PliA!.A;o.;<Hm, Vulpine, black 1·arielics of the, ii. 294. l'llfrlw·oJJilS falir·rlrius, ii. 20:i. 1'/urlaropns h!fJICI'Uunns, ii. :lO:i. PhWl/CliS, i. :37:J. l'luourus aru·mfc.r, Yariation of th~ horns of the male, i. :\7(1. 1'/um;cus jiwnus, sexual dill'cn•ncc · of~ i. 3G!). 1'/wn;eus lonci{r'l", i. :riO. P/I{(SfJOnw·rr 1:iridi~siuw, strid 11btion ot; i. :1;,+, :3.iu. Plwsirmus SlCIIuiiCI'I'illtJii, ii. l;)i. 1 '/w~iuons t·r·l·~icolor, ii. tiD. 1'/um'rulltS 1\'u llirhii, ii. ~l:i, 1%. PHAS~IID. I·:, mimickry of !cares b.1· the, i. 41+. l'III·: MiAl\T, polygamous, i. ~li!); production of hybl'id: with the com mon 1\nvl, ii. 1~2; an1l bla('k grouse, hybrids of, ii. 11:3; immature plumngc of the, ii. 188. . PliEASA~ 'I', Argu~, ii. 72, lSI; ,iJ,play of plumage by the male, ii. 91; occllatctl spots of the, ii. l :l~, 141 · crradation of characters 111 the, 'ii.l+l. ]>II EM!.\XT, Blood-, ii. 4G. PnEASANT, Cheer, ii. D:l, 1!l.J. Pm:ASANT, Eared, i. 290; ii.\:1:1, 19.1; sexes alike in the, ii. 178; l cngtl~ of the tail in the, ii. lGij. l'<IEAS.\:>.T. l~ I> EX. l-'1 ~.\IX. l'IIEASANT, Golden, display or plulliHgl· by the male, ii. 8(); sex of )'IHIIl).:, ascertained by pulling out headfeathers, ii. :.!14; ag1l ol' mature plumage in the, ii. 21:3. PnEA~.\NT, Kalij, drumming of the male, ii. G:.l. PnEASANT, Reeve\ length of the !nil in. ii. lou. PHI·: ASA~T, Silnr, sexual co loration ot' the, ii. ~28; triumphant male, dt•poscd on account ot'spoilc1l plumage, ii. 1'20. l'IIE.\!:\AXT, Smmmcrring'~, ii. 151i, LGli. Pm: ASA:>o~T, Tragopa n, ii. 7:.!; displa_,. of' plumage by the uwl c, ii. 01; murkings of the sexes uf the, ii. 1:14. l'III:ASA:::<TS, period of ncq uisition nt' 111\llu characters in the family ot' the, i. 2DO; proportion of sexes in <'lli ~ ks ot~ i. 30G; length of the tail in, u. 15G, lG-1-, lGG. l'hilow·omns, i. :3:37 . I'IIILTr.RS, worn iJy women, ii. :J-t-4-. Plwca (jl'aJntandic:t, sexual tliflcrcnce in !I.e coloration of, ii. 287. 1'/ucnicllra ·rnticitta, ii. 105. l'IIOSPJIORE:;CEJ\CE of insect~, i. :i45. l'llltYGi\NIDJE, copulation of tlist inct ~pcdts ot; i. :1+:.!. l'ltr!Jnistus lli!]•·icuns, ii. '2.-,. L'IIYSI C A ~ interiority, suppo,ctl, of man, i. l.:iu. l'lUKEitJS.:, on the number of ~petit·< of man, i. 2:.!G. PlCTO:-.', J. A., ou the soul of man, ii. !~9.) . J'iC'!tS ll'l61'a in.~, ii. 43. Pll-:~tlD ;t·:, niniickry by female, i. 4-L:\. l'ieris, i. :HIJ. Prm:ox, c<UTie r, late dcn,Jopment of the wattle in, i. 2!l:l; domestic, IJreeds auu tiUbbreeus of, ii. 17!'; pouter, htc development nf the crop in, i. ~93; female, deserting a weakened \late, i. 26:l. I'm..:o:>o~s, nes~in~, f!!d by the secretion of' the crop 1f both parents, i. '210; changes of plumage in, i. 28L; transmi ·sionof sexual pcculiariti e~ in, i. 28:3; chmgi ng colout· after sPvernl motdti~s, i. 294; numerical proportion of thr scxe' iu, i. :\l)li ; I'IH>in~ of. ii. UO; l'ari<\lions i 11 plumage of, ii. 74; display uf plumage by male, ii. 91i ; local niemor~· of ii. 109; nntipathy of female. to certain males, ii. 118; pairing of. ii. LlR, 1L9; [H'ofiigatc male aml ti!malc, ii. 11 (); win~-1Jar~ antl lail! i·athcrs of ii. l:H; snppo,it itiou, brcpd of, ii. 155; pouter and cani•·r. pcculi;u·itiesofprcdontinant in mall's, ii. 158; nidification of, ii. 1 ()t-1; illlmatu re plumage of the, ii. 181'; J\u ~t ralian, ii. li:); llclgian, with black-strcakcJ males, i. :lil-\ 20::; ii. 157. l'I GS, ori~in of the improve([ brretls of~ i. 2:30; numcrieal proportion oft h1· sexes in, i. :305; strirc~ of .roun~. ii. 184, :lO:); sexual preference ~howu by. ii. 27:-l. ]'IK E, American, brilliant. colours of the male, during the IH·ccdin :.:: season, ii. 14. !'IKE, male, dc1·ourcd by fi.:mal<•s, i. :10!'. PIKE, L. 0., on the psychical element,. of religion, i. I;H. /'i((tclicc ~tri11tu, ~ountls produced 1,_\' the !'cmale, i. :38.i. l'I:i:'L\IL Drake, plumagP of, ii. 8+; pairing with a wild dnek, ii. nr •. PINTATL, Duck, pairing with a Wigc<•ll, ii. 114. Pli'E-FJ:su, filamcntou~, ii. 18; m:~rsnpial receptacles ol' the male, ii. :!1. J'li'JT', moultin~ of the, ii. !:);;. l' ipr£1, moditietl scconrlary wingfeathers of male, ii. u5. l'iJ;ra dcticiu~ · t, ii. u5, GG. l'imtcs stridultts, stridulation ol; i. :150. l'illtecirr lettcoceplwlrr, ~cxual<lifli.·rcucc · of colour in, ii. ~!.10. Pithccirt .')((tawt .~, beard of ii. :lK:\. :!8-1-, 28;); rescmblanee of. to a negro, i i. 081. . l'ns, ~uborbita l, of Hummanb, ii. :lilO. Prrno_l,, nidification of, i i. lUi. PI.ACEN'l'Al'A, i, 20~. PLAGlO~TOMOL' S fishes, ii. 1. l'LA1S-WAXIlERER, Australian, ii. 211 L |