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Show 414 DOAR. INDEX, BOWS. genus Ardctta, ii. 179; on the peregrine falcon, ii. 180; on young female birds acquiring male characters, ii. 180 ; on the immature plumage of birds, ii. 185; on representative species of birds, ii. 190; on the young of Turni:c, ii. 202 ; on anomalous young of Lanius 1'1.'-ftts and Golymbus gletcialis, ;ii. 211 ; on the sexes and young of the sparrows, ii. 212; on dimorphism in some heron~, ii. 214; on '()riolcs breeding in immature plumage, ii. 214; on the sexes and young of Bttplms and Anaslomns, ii. 217; on the young of the blackcap and blackbird, ii. 219 ; on the young of the stoncchat, ii. 220; ·on the white plumage of Ancrstomus, ii. 229; on the horns of Antilope bczoartica, ii. 246 ; on the horns of Bovine animals, ii. 247; on the mode of fighting of Ovis oycloccros, ii. 249; on the voice of the Gibbons, ii. 276; on the crest of the male wild goat, ii. 282 ; on the colours of Portax picta, ii. 287 ; on the colours of Antilope bczoartica, ii. 288 ; on the development of the horns in the Koodoo and Blnncl antelopes, i. 289; on the colour of the Axis deer, ii. 290; on sexual differen<-"C of colour in lfylobatcs l10olocll, ii. 291; on the hog-deer, ii. 303 ; on the beard and whiskers in a monkey becoming white with age, ii. 319. BOAR, wild, polygamous in India, i. 267 ; usc of the tusks by the, ii. 256; fighting of, ii. 263. BorTArtD nnd Corbic, MM., on the transmission of sexual peculiarities in pigeons, i. 283; on the antipathy shown by some female pigeons to certain males, ii. 118. Bow, Mr., on the singing of a sterile hybrid canary, ii. 53. BOMDET, on the variability of the standard 'of beauty in Europe ii. 370. ' ' Bombus, difference of the sexes in, i. 366. BoM~~CID~ coloration of, i. 394 ; pamng of the, i. 401. Bombycilla carolinensis, red appendages of, ii. 179. Bombyx cynthict, i. 346; proportion of the sexes in, i. 309, 313; pairing of, i. 401. Bwtbyx mori, diflcrencc of size of t.hc male and female cocoons of, i. 346 ; pairing of, i. 401. Bonwyx Pemyi, l)roportion of sexes ot; i. 313. Bonwyx Yamamai, i. 346; M. Personnat on, i. 310; proportion of sexes of, i. 313. BO.NAPAUl'E, C. L., on the call-notes of the wild turkey, ii. GO. BOND, F., on the finding of new mates by crows, ii. 104. BONE, implements of, skill displayed in making, i. 138. . Bmmu, C., on the transfer of male characters to an old female chamois, ii. 245; on the antlers of the red deer, ii. 252; on the habits of stags, ii. 259 ; on the pairing of red deer, ii. 269. BONJ;;s, increase of, in length and thickness, when carrying a greater weight, i. 116. BONNET monkey, i. 192. BOOMERANG, i. 183. Bo1·eus !tycrnalis, scarcity of the male, i. 314-. Bmw St. Vincent, on the number of species of man, i. 226; on the colours of Lab1·us pavo, ii. 16. Bos gattrus, horns of, ii. 247, Bos primigenius, ii. 240. Bos sondaicus, horns of, ii. 247 ; colours of, ii. 289. BOTOCUD~S, i. 181 j motle of life of, i. 247; chsfigurcment of the ears and lower lip of the, ii. 341. BOUCHER de Perthes, J. C. de, on the antiquity of mao, i. 3. BOUltuON, proportion of the sexes in a species of Papilio from, i. 310. BOURIEN, on the marriage-customs of the savages of the Malay Archipelago, ii. 373. Bovm..c:, dewlaps of, ii. 284. BoWJm-nmos, ii. 102; habits of the, ii. 69 ; ornamented playing-placeR of, i. 63, ii. 112. Bows, usc of, i. 232. BRACHIOPODA. INDEX. DROWN. 415 JlrtACIUOPODA, i. 329. liRACtiYCEPHALIC structure, possible explanation of, i. 148. ]Jraclt,i!SCelus, second Jmir of antennw in the male, i. 337. TII~ACifYU£tA, i. 332. JJracltyttrus catvus, scarlet face of, ii. 309. l3i~AIN, of man, agreement of the, with that of lower animals, i. 10; .convolutions of, in the human feet us, i. 16; larger in some existing mammals than in their tertiary prototypes, i. 51; relation of the development of the, to the progress <>f language, i. 57 ; disease of the, affecting speech, i. 58; influence of development of mental faculties upon the size of the, i. 145; influence of the dCI'elopment ot; on the spinal column and skull, i. 146; diflcrence in the convolutions of, in different races of men, i. 2Hl. BRAKF.NlUDGE, Dr., on the influence of climate, i. 115. BRAUHACI!, Prof., on the quasi-religious feeling of a dog towards his master, i. 68; on the self-restraint of dogs, i. 78. BrtAUEH, F., on dimorphism in Ncw·oth. emis, i. 363. BRAZIL, skulls found in caves of, i. 218 ; population of, i. 225 ; compression of the nose by the natives of, ii. 352. BREAK between man and the apes, i. 200. BREAM, proportion of the sexes in the, i. 308. BREI<:Dl~G, age of, in birds, ii. 214. BREEDING season, sexual characters making their appearance in the, in birds, ii. 80. :BRElllii, on the effects of intoxicating liquors on monkeys, i. 12; on the recognition of women by male Gynoceplw. ti, i. 13 ; on revenge taken by monkeys, i. 40 ; on manifestations of maternal affection by monkeys and baboons, i. 41; on the instinc~ ive dread of monkeys for serpents, 1. 42 ; on a baboon using a mat for shelter from the sun, i. 53 ; on the use of stones as missiles by baboons, i. 51; on the signal-cries of monkeys, i. 57 ; on sentinels posted by monkeys, i. 74; on co-operation· of animals, i. 75; on an eagle attacking a young Gel·copititccus, i. 76 ; on baboons in confinement protecting one of their number from punishment, i. 78; on the habits of baboons when plundering, i. 79; on the diversity of the mental faculties of monkeys, i. 110; on the habits of baboons, i. 141 ; on polygamy in Gynoccplial'ttS and Gcbus, i. 266 ; on the numerical proportion of the sexes in birds, i. 306 ; on the lovedance of the Black-cock, ii. 45; on Palamcdca cornuta, ii. 48; on the habits of the Black-grouse, ii. 49 ; on sound produced by Birds ot' Paradise, ii. 63; on assemblages of grouse, ii. 101 ; on the finding of new mates by birds, ii. 106 ; on the fighting of wild boars, ii. 263; on the habits of Gynoceplw.lus ltamadryas, ii. 362. BRENT, Mr., on the courtship of fowls, ii. 117. BRI<:SLAU, numerical proportion of male and female births in, i. 301. BRIDGllfAN, Laura, i. 57. BmMSTONE butterfly, i. 393; sexual difference of colour in the, i. 409. BRITISH, ancient, tattooing practised by, ii. 339. BROCA, Prof., on the occurrence of the supra-condyloid foramen in the human humerus, i. 28; on the capacity of Parisian skulls at different periods, i. 146; on the influence of natural selection, i. 152 ; on hybridity in man, i. 220; on human remains from Lcs Eyzics, i. 237 ; on the cause of the difference between Europeans and Hindoos, i. 240. BrtODIE, Sir B., on the origin of the moral sense in man, i. 71. B~O~N, H. G., on the copulation of msects of distinct species, i. 342. BRONZE period, men of, in Europe i. 16~ ' BROWN, R., sentinels of seals generally females, i. 74; on the battles of seals, ii. 240; on the narwhal, ii. |