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Show 43G liOG. INDEX. lll::OWER. deer ii. 244-; on sexual preference~ shown by reindeer, ii. :.l7a. Hoo, wart-, ii. 265; ri,·er-, ii. :.!Gu. Hoa-mmn, ii. 30:-l. . Ilor.r.A::<~D, Sir H., on the effect~ of new diseases, i. 2:Hl. HOMOLOGOtJS . structures, corn• !a ted n1riation ot; i. 1:10. . . Ho~rOPTEitA, i. 350; stridulatiOn ·~f the, and orthoptcra, discussed, r. SuO. Ho::<~ounAs, Quiscalus ma.io•· in, i: 3~7. HONEY-IlUZZAiiO of India, vanatton in the crest of. ii. 12G. HONEY-SUCKr•:Hs, moultin~ of th~. ~~· 8:·1; Au~tralian, nidification of, u. 169. HONOUR, law of, i. 09. HOOKER, .Jos., on the colour of the beard in man, ii. :n9. Hoor.ocK GIBBON, nose of, i. 192. HOOPOE, ii. 56; sounds produced lJy the male, ii. 62. . J[oplopterus armatus, wing-spurs of, ii. 48. lJOit::<IBILL, African, inflati<m of !he neck-wattle of the male dunn~ courtsl1ip, ii. 7'2. HOR::<IlllLLS, sexual difference in ~h.e colour of the eyes in, ii. 129; mdlficatiou and incubation of; ii. 11)9. Hornn:, C., on the rejection of a brightly-eolomecl locust by lizards and birds, i. :.161. Hon::<~s, of deer, ii. 243, 2-1.8, 259; and cunine teeth, inverse deYelopment of, ii. 257; sexual difl'erences of in sheep and goats, i. 2l:l:3; loss of in female merino sheep, i. 28+; d;velopment of, in deer, i. 288; deYelopment of, in antelopes, .i. 289; from the head and thorax, Ill male beetles, i. ~70. HORSE, polygamous, i. 267; c~nine teeth of male, ii. 241 ; wmter change of the, ii. 298; fossil, extinction of the, in South America, i. 239. Honsr;s dreaming, i. 46; rapid increas~ of in South America, i. 135; diminuti~n of canine teeth in, i. 144 · of the Falkland Islands and Pam~as i. 236 ; numerical proportion of' the sexes in, i. 263, 265 ; li()'hter in winter in Siheri~t, i. 282; se;nal preferences .in, ii. 272 j pairinrr pref'erently w1th those ol .the ~~~~le ('nlour, ii. 2!l!'i; nnmencal proportion of m;~le and fe~1ale ~~irth~ in, i. :30:1; formerly stnped, 11. 30;J. . . . , HOTTENTOT women, pecu ltar1ttes ot, i. ~2:>. l!OTTI·:NTO'I'S1 lice of, i. 220 j rea~lily become musicians, ii. H:14; not10ns of female bea~tty of th.t;, .i~,/345; compre~sion of nose b~·, 11. H.Jw. HoP. E-Siu\\'E~, diflcrence of, from tield-slaYcs, i. 2-I.G. Hnr11m, P., on ants playing together, i. 39; on memory in ants, i. 4.); on the intrrcommuni<'ation of ant:;, i. 58; on the recognition o~ eac~1 other by ants after separatron, 1. ;J(j;j, Hue, on C'hir:l'~C opinions .. o~ t~e ap-pcaran<' t! nt l~uro1wans, 11. J-!,J, HUMAN kingdom, i. 18U. Hu~IAN Rfl('rificcs, i. utl. Ho~IA:'\ITY. unknown among some savages, i. !l-1.; deficiency of, among saYag;es, i. l 01. . . Jluruur.rn, .\..yon, on the mtwnahty of mules. i. +l:l; on a panot preserving the language of a lost tribe,, i. 2:3U; on the cosmetic nrts ot s:wages, i i. :~;l\), :140; on the exnggeration of natural <'harad~rs.Ly m.an, ii .. :151; 01~ thc .. r~d"pallltrng ot Amencan Jmhans, u . .li12. Ht•;m:, D., on sympathetic feelings, i. 85. Htn!MJNn-mrm, racket-shaped ft•nthers in the tail of a, ii. 7:1; di~play of' plum:1ge by the mal7, ii. 8G. IlUMM rNG-lllltnS, ornament theu· nest~, i. U3, ii. 112; polygnmot~s, i: 269~; proportion of the sexes Ill! 1 ... 3?'• ii. :.!21; sexual differences m,.~l. 39, -1.0, 151; pugnacity of male,~~· 4?; modified primaries of male, .1.1. 6;>; l'Oloration of the sexes of, 11. 78: voun()' of ii. ~~0; nidilication o( the, i'i. ISS; colours of female, ii. 1G8. HUMPHREYS, H. N., on the habits of the Stickle-back, i. 271, ii. 2. HUNGJm, instinct of, i. 89. nux·. IND.EX. Ji\IITATIOX. 437 HuNs, ancient, flatteniug of the nose by the, ii. 352. HUNTJm, J., on the number of species of man, i. 226; on secondary sexual characters, i. 253; on the general behaviour of female animals during courtship, i. 273; on the muscles of the larynx in song-birds, ii. 55 ; on the curled frontal hair of the l3nll, ii. 282; on the rejection of an ass by a female zebra, ii. 295, Hu~nrm, W. W., on the recent rapid increase of the Santali, i. 133; on the Santali, i. 241. HUSSEY, 1\lr., on a partridge distinguishing persons, ii. 110. HuTCHINSON, Col., example of reason-ing in a retriever, i. 48. . HUTTON, Capt., on the male wtld goat falling 011 his horns, ii. 249. HuxLEY, T. H., on the structural agreement of man with the apes, i. 3; on the agreement of the brain in man with that of lower animals, i. 10; on the adult age of the Orang, i. 1:.1 ; on the cmln·yonic development of' man, i. 14; on the origin of man, i. 4, 17 ; on variation in the skulls of the natives of Au~tralia, i. 108; on the abductor of the fifth metatarsal in apes, i. 128; on the position of man, i. 191; on the sub-orders of primates, i. 195; on the Lemurid::c, i. 202 ; on the Dinosauria, i. 204; on the amphibian aflinities of the Ichthyosaurians, i. 204; on variability of the skull in certain races of man, i. 226; on the races of man, i. 229. HYBRID birds, production of, ii. 113. HYD!lOI'IlODIA communicable between man and the lower animals, i. 11. llydroporus, dimorphism of females of, i. 343. llyelaphus porcimts, ii. 303. llygmgouus, ii. 21. Jfyla, singing species of, ii. 27. Hylobates, maternal all'ection in a, i. 40; absence of the thumb in, i. 140; upright progression of some species of, i. 14.J ; direction of the hair on the arms of species of, i. 192; females of; less hairy below than males, ii. 320. llylub11tes ag·ill:s, i. 140; hair on the arms of, i. 19J; musical voice of the, ii. 277; superciliary ridge of, ii. 318; voice of; ii. 3:~2. llylobates hoolocl1, sexual diil'erencc of colour in, ii. 291. Il!Jlobates lar, i. 140; hair on the arms of, i. 193. Ilylobates leucisc11s, i. 140. llylobates S!Jildactylns, i. 140; laryngeal sac of, ii, 276. HYMENOPTERA, i. 36-1. j large size of the cerebral ganglia in, i. 14-5; classilicat.ion ot; i. 188; sexual differences in the wings of, i. 345 ; aculeate, relative size of the sexes of; i. 347. HYliiENOPTERON, parasitic, with a sedentary male, i. 272. Ifyomoschus uquaticus, ii. 304-. llyperytllra, proportion of the sexes in, i. 310. Hypogymna dispar, sexual difl'erence of colour in, i. 398. lfypopyra, coloration of, i. 397. I. InEx, male, falling ou his horns, ii. 249 ; beard of the, ii. 283. Inrs, scarlet, young of the, ii. 208; white, change of colour of naked skin in, during the breeding season, ii. 80. Ibis tantalus, age of mature plumage in, ii. 213; breeding in immature plumage, ii. 214, 215. Imsr-.:s, decomposed fenthers in, ii. 74; white, ii. 2:L8, and black, ii. 230. ICHNEU1110NIDJF., difference of the sexes in, i. 365. lCH'l'lfYOP'l'ERYOlA, i. 125. lCUTJJYOSAUHIANS, i. 204. IDEAS, general, i. 62. IDIOTS, microcephalous, imitativ& faculties of, i. 57 ; microcephalous, their characters and habits, i. 1:cll. Iguanrt tu~erculata, ii. 32. IGUANAS, ii. 32. lLLEGI'l'lll'lATJ' and legitimate children, proportion of the sexes in, i. 302. br~Gr_:rATION, existence of, in animals, 1. 4;>. bUTATIOX, i. 39 ; of man by monkeys, |