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Show L REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OR INDIAN AFRAIR8. 93 In m.v o.ni nion., .s a w" n.h 4 1 of the ameement of March 21,1902, doea not reauire ) theidenlifiationof part-blood r.l,ildren i,f >Ji:.+sippi ~hortawit,h ehwlves idcnnfied , mlelv bv r w n o f their fullblood. fi~lrhcl~ildremnu et in sotncuther way.if w~.?lhle. estai~isb their claims to participate in the benefits mising from the tGtybf 1830. They have not been deprived by the awement of anything to which they were entitled before its cunclusion. Neither does the Government extend to them the right of identification solely hwanse they are children of an ancestor himself identi-fied by reason alone of bis lull blood. The act of Congress approved March 3, 1903 (32 Stat., 982), appro-priated $20,000, or so much thereof as might he necessary, "for the purpose of aiding indigent and identified full-blood Mississippi Choctaws to remove to the Indian Territory," the money thus appro-priated to be expended at the discretion of the Department and under its direction. April 9 the Department requested the Commission to submit a draft of regulations appropriate for carrying into effect the provieions of the act. May 6 the Commission made a report con-cerning the subject, in which it took the position that the apprupria-tion was not available for subsisting full-blood Mississippi Chodtaws who were removed by the Government pending their acquiring titles tQ their allotmenb. May 25 the oftice transmitted the Commission's report, and expressed the opinion that the money could be used for any purpose incidental to the removal of the full bloods; that support for a short time afbr removal to the Indian Territory, if such support by the Government was necessary for the time being, would certainly be LLanin cident cennected with" aiding identified full-blood Missis-sippi Choctaws to remove. May 27 the Department submitted the matter to the Comptroller of the Treasury for opinion, and on May 28 he held that payment for subsistence from the appropriation was authorized, and that such subsistence was an incident to the removal of the full bloods. The Commission was subsequently instructed to dehiI one of its employees to supervise the removal of the full bloods. The o5ce understands that about 300 have been removed under the Commission's direction, and that other removals will be made at an early date. Applications for citizenship.-The whole number of cases of the dif-ferent classes before the O5ce, and the disposition made of them, is as follows: TABLE2O .-Siatw of appZiCa&ma for &&emhip. Number received. hesds of hmilics ............. Transmined to lbe Ucpsnmrut ................ A C W0~0 hy the Uep~lrmcrlt. ................... Pending before the Uwar iBer,dlOx3" t |