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Show AGREEMENTS WITH INDIANS. 479 Agreements with Indiana which have been. ra6fid by Congreas-Continued. Name of Indian tribe. -- Shoshoni, Bannock, and Sheepeater. Shoahoni and Bannook. DO. Shoshoni and Arapaho. Bhoshoni and Bannock. Sioux (unmtified). , Sioux snd Assiniboln (Fort Peck Reservation). Sioux (not accepted). Sionr. Sioux Inwer Bruld band. sioux: Minioonjou, Oglals, Two Kettle, Upper BrulA, and Wahrharhe bands. Sioux sisseton, and Wahpeton bands. sioua: Y&nktonband., Spokan, Upper and Xlddle bands. ToTI~&w&. Umatilla Cayus? and W@lawalla. wahpetoh and slmeton sioux. , Wnll~wsllaC, Q-We,% adU -hlh. Wichita. Yakima. Do. Yankton band of Sioux. Yuma. S u m , Apache, and Mohaye. statutesat a h r fuller text, see senate Ex. Doc. No. 247, Fifty-fourth Congres, Rrst ~e-n (Miso. Indian Doc-uments vol. 48. p. 618). bp&ideut2s Pmelamation May 7,1902 (32 Stat., 11991 o ~ oterx t, seenouse EX. Doc. No. 68, Forty-seventh kngress, second ~sdonp,p .Gl3 (Fiso. Indian Daeuments vol. 14 p. 305). see slso Senste compllahon of Indian Trmtkes, p. 804. dpresideht'~P ~ ~ ~ ~~e b r~u s r~y1 0, ~1890~ (26 :Staot., 1o554) ; Pres~dent,sP loclamation February 7, 1903 (32 Stat. 2035). e ~r e s~dentP'dm elamation April 11,1892 (27 Stat., 1017). IF, text see Annual Report 1892, p. 743. g ~ oterx t: see ~ ~ n uRaeplor t 1893, p. 524; see also Senate Ex. Dm. No. 13, Fifty-second Congress. first 8es9i~n(h lisc. ludian Documents 701.41, p. 6 ) . hsec order of secretary of the 1nte;ior. Deoember 4,1888: Annual Report L891. b.y <For fulltext, see senate Ex. Doc. No. 14,. Fiftysecond Conpess, firat saaslon ( 180 Indian Docu-menQ, 701.41, p. 25): Pres~dent'sp roelamatnon,July 4,1901 (32 Stat., 1916). jFor fnll text, nee Senate Ex. Doc. No. 32, Flfty-seoond congress, fimt sedon (Miso. Indian Docu-menta. 701. 41, p. 227). h ~ ofrnl ler text, see House Ex. Doc. No. SZQ, Fifty-fourth congress, first session (Miso.Indilm Doc-uments, rol. 49. p. 159). ment. ~ a 14y 18 80 ~ u l yI< 1881 M ~ 2Y7'1 887 ~ p r 2. 1 '1896a ~ e b . 531898b Oct. 17,1882r Deo. 28,1886 Apr. 30 1898 Mar. 2:1889d Mar. 1 1898 Mar. 10:1898 ~ e c 1.2 ,188~a ~ e e 3. 1 1842 ~ a r18. :1 8871 OCt. 21 189101 Mar. < 1885h Dec. i2:1889a hlar. 3 18R5h June 4'1891r Jan. 13:18851 Jan. 8 1894 Deo. 31'1892 ~ e o . 4:1893 Feb. 26,Id96k Vol. 25 22 25 30 $1 22 2 25 30 30 26 8 27 23 26 23 8 28 28 28 29 - --Pag e. 68, 148 452 93 672 624 113 94 888 1352 1361 1036 314 189 644, 340 10s 340 895 631 320 814 332 368 |