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Show 90 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONEE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. Jackson. Monroe. Omnee. Star. Kemdy. Muse. Owl. Summerfield. I Kosoms. Newberg. Roberta. Tuskahoma. 1 Leflore. Oaklodge. Sansboia. Uties Chickasaw Nation: Alma. Elk. Keller. Robberson. Ara. Foster. Maraden. Sneed. Arlee. Fox. Maxwell. Tatums. Bailey. Glenn. McMilh. Teller. Bebee. Grady. Newport. Troy. Bee. Graham. Nimekh. Thsckemille. Brady. Harrisburg. Oakman. Tussy. Brock. Bat. Orinne. Tyler. Burneyville. Healdton. O h . Tymla. Chism. Hennepin. Ouerbmak. Velma. Cliff. Hewitt. Palmer. Viola. Dibble. Hird. Pike. Wallville. Dixie. Holder. Platter. Wayne. Dolberg. Homer. Powell. Whitebead. Doyle. Huntan. Pmvence. Wiley. Drake. Iona. Reagan. Woodford. Eastman. Jesse. Reck. Wookey. Schedules of appraisements and holders of lots in the following towns were approved: Choctaw Nation: Bengal. Dexter. Garhd. Leflore. Boggy Depot. %os0. Ironbridge. Owl. Bower. Fanahawe. Kennady. Twkahoms. Cartemille. During the year the Department approved tbe issuance of bonds in the following towns: Bristow, Creek Nation, $8,000 for schwlhouses. Duraut, Choctaw Nation, $15,000 for schoolhouaea. South McAlester, Choctaw Nation, $5O,MX) for sewers, electric-light plant, water-works, and schoolhouses. Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, $15,000 for waterworks and sewers. Duncan, Chiekaeaw Nation, $25,000 for waterworks. An application of the town of Chickasha, Chickasaw Nstion, for authority to issue $135,000 in bonds, $60,000 of which was to be used for a sewerage system and $75,000 for waterworks, was disapproved by the Department as exceeding the limit of indebtedness. The acting inspector for Indian Territory reported April 6,1903, that $50,000 would be necessary to carry on the town-site work for the last year, and that since the funds already appropriated were so nearly exhausted, it was desirable that the funds should be made imme-diately available. This recommendation was made t~ tongreas by the Department, but these requests were not honored by Congress. Only , |