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Show TRUST FUNDS AND TRUST LANDS. 485 Sileta senem1 fwd. .......... ................................. ........................................... . 8 333 28 sisaeton and Webpetan fund.. 1:052:66 Total decreane ............... ... 982,321.77 Total unoont of decrease ...... .................................... 982 323.77 ~ ~ f s l 01 increase.. ............................................................... 949: 718.44 ~ edetcre ase ....... 692.M5.8 .......................................... A ~ O U Urer~ep orted in Stai+,ent A, NOT. 1 , lW. 84,453 861.M ~mo a nats reported in this etatement .................................................... ~ 1 , ~ : 0 5 6 . ~ agreetng with net decrease ........................................................ 52,605.53 TRUST FUNDS AND TRUST LANDS. , The r w i ts and disbursements since Bovember 1, 1902, as shown by the books of the indim 8ffice, on account of sales of Indiltn lands, are exhibited in the following statement, to include October 31, 1903: On hand NOT. 1,lWS. WS.321.22 51,(89.56 9,489.95 8,146.65 28,465.40 27.612.12 419.719.69 8,346,97S.76 28,96s.11 18,294.61 292. M 710,606.66 4W,,001.15 270,464.51 10,810,241.85 Disburaed d:g,g D9,692.W 5,MN3.CN ............ ............ 11, 664.m 57.M 63,301.16 1,900.18 ............ ........................ 7.00 ........................ ........................ ............ 75,642.48 Received -- $2,2,681.45 13,386.42 9,499.96 3 146.65 40:150. w 513.91 S6,b87.22 n,489.87 2,319.0s ............ 74,669.44 204,205.94 On hsnd Nav. 1, lW. Sl4,337.77 29,673.1S .............. .............. 27,156.71 436,433.62 8,527.489.07 21,634.08 18,224.61 299.50 710,606.68 4W.Wl.16 195,906.17 10,131,686,37 Approprfationa. Proceeds of Sioux reser-vations in Minqesota and Dakota. Pmoeedsof SouthernUte Resemation. m e e d s of Bulphur p i n p s lands. Indian ernrov: Choctaw .............. Chickasaw ................ Pmced8 of United Peo-ria and Western Miami BU luslands. Ful8ing treaties .with Kansas, proceeds of lends. Fulfilling treaties with omahae, proceeds of trust Ian&. Fulfilling treaties with Oea~es,pr~eeed~oftrost lands. prooeeas 01 q-th ~ i u eRr e seruahon. Fulfillin treaties with ~inne%waesp,ro ceeds of l&r,d~. Rulfilling treeties with Shawnees, proceeds of lands. Fulfilling treaties, with Otoeand Xissouna, pro-ceeds of lands. Fulfilling treaties with Pswnees, proceeds of landa. Fulfillin treaties with urnatifins, proceeds of . lands. Total Acts and treaties, IZStat., 819. aot Mar. 3.1863. 28 Stat., 678, act Feb. 20, 1895. 82 Stet. 666, aot Jay 1, lad. do .............................. 32 Stat., 263. aot &T 27, 1902. Art. 4 treaty Od. 5, 1859,12 Stat, 1U2. ActsJoly31 1812,snd ~ u g1.,1 882. Art. 2 tmtg Sept. 29 le& 8%. 2 act dly 16,'1870. n stat., 52-63, sot June 17 1892. Art. 2 &eaty 1869, act Feb. 2,186S. Aots of Apr. 7 1889, and Jan. 11, i816. Act of Aug. 15, 1876... Act Apr. lo, 1876 ...... 22 Stat. 177, aot hug. 5.1635. ....................................... |