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Show 58 REPORT OF THE 00MMISS10NER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. at this agency for a consideration of one-third of the crops. Such leases provide in case of a crop failure for paying a stipulated sum in cash equaling the estimated value of one-third of the crop. Shawnee, Potawatomi, and Kickapoo Reservation, 0kla.-One hundred and seventy-four farming and grazing leases-38 of the Potawatomi, 76 of the Kickapoo, and 60 of the Absentee Shawnee Indians. The money consideration ranges from 25 cenb per acre per annum for grazing lands to $4.32 for farming lands. Siletz Reservation, 0reg.-Twelve farming and grazing leases. The money consideration ranges from 30 cents per acre per annum for grazing lands to $1.12 for farming lands. Sisseton Agency, S. Dak.--One hundred and forty-two farming and grazing leases. The money consideration ranges from 25 cents per acre per annum for grazing lands to $1.38 for farming lands. Southern Ute Agenoy, Co1o.--One farming lease. The consideration is improvements valued at $258. Yakima Agency, Wash.-Eighty-two farming and grazing leases, 5 for farming and nursery, and 4 business leases. The cash considem-tion ranges from 50 cents per acre per annum for grazing lands to $2.50 for farming lands. The consideration for the farming and nursery leases ranges from 66 cents to 80 cents per acre. The business leases are one-half acre for business and residence, $30 per annum; one-half acre for office and residence, $25 per annum; one-quarter acre for tele-phone ofice and barber shop, $30 per annum, and one-third acre for creamery and skimming station, $25 per acre. Yankton Agency, S. D&.-Eight hundred and thirty leases. The majority of these leases are for grazing purposes, but a few are for farming. The consideration ranges from 20 cents per acre per annum for grazing lands to $1.50 for farming lands. Some of the farming leases are made for a consideration of one-third of the crops. Pro-vision is made in case of a crop failure for the payment of a stipulated sum equal to the estimated value of one-third of the crop. UNALLOTTED OR TRIBAL LANDS. Since the date of the last annual report leases and permits for the use of tribal lands have been executed as follows: Cheyenne River Reservation, 8. Dak.-One grazing lease in favor of Eugene Holcomb for district No. 2; term, four years from June 1, 1903; area, 368,640 acres; annual rend, $11,059.20. Also four graz-ing permits as follows: . Permittee. I Term. Qeorgb La Plant .................... June 1.1902, to June 1, 1903 ...... Soph~aH erbert .......................... do ............................ Lncy mradia ............................ do ............................ Jniia Dunn .............................. do ............................ |