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Show 394 REPORTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TEE INTERIOR. In emphasizing the importance of school gardens we have said to superintendents: School gardens are now a, recognized psrt of the pnhlic school system in cities, towns, and rural districts, and in Ststtes whose resources are agricultursl lnws have been passed mk-in the study compulsory. Gardening gives all-round develo ment, and its humsnizing duenee furnishes n stimulus to healthy thoughts. It shoul&e the means of tesohing economy, application, and the dignity of labor. The allotting in the school gardens of individual plats has been encouraged, each child having a bed to till and care for according to his age and ca ability. This lan has worlted tried, and it !as been founzthat the interest in the work of raising flowers become imbued with a spirit of do their best and produce the ground. We have specially urged the establishment of school gardens at the day schools, where the practical results of the children's work furnish welcome additions to the noonday meal, which is served at almost all of these schools. Many of the schools on the Pine Ridge and some on the Rosebud reservation, where water has been obtain-able, have been very successful in arden work, a number of them raismg sufficient veget'ables to supp7 y the school table abundantly and to have, in addition, a considerable amount of surplus products for sale. Some of Lhe schools have hotbeds. Early in the spring a circular letter was addressed to school super-intendents urging them to make ardemng and the teaching of agri-culture leadin features of the sc ool work and asking what plans they had laid for conducting gardens and for agricultural instruction this year. The replies evinced wides read interest in this subject, and the following are extracts from a ie'w of the answers received: La Poi& Agency School, Wismnsln.-4ardeni and the study of agriculture are made the princi al topics of instruotion at this school. %sides the regular garden for supplying the sehoofwith vegetables, in which girls and boys are regularly detailed to work we have a small garden near the schoolrooms divided among the pupils, in which prwticil instrue-tion is emen in tho ou1tul.e of common earden olants bv the class-room tewhem. Instruc-tion isslso given in the class room ~ n " ~mi d a t i o nf&, t iet ion, eto. Sanla Fe Sehool, ATw &em.-We propose to make gardening of all sorts mom of s specialty this year than ever before. Besides hming extensive vegetable gardens, hotbeds, etc., we will havo flower gardens scattered through the park of the school, the ospacity of which will be doubled this year. The farmer and gardener will have large detds for their work, and the teachers will give special instruotion to classes in the field in gardening, floral culture, care of lawns, etc. Green Bey Schod, Wismnsin.-We devote a great deal of time to our farm and garden work, and with highly sntisfzctory results. Our garden, covering 3 sew, is the pride of the school, and its pmduetiveness is rsrna,rksble. C h ~ o c oA @euZluraZ Sehool, Oklahoma.-Both boys and "rs are taught how tq re-psre the s~i l , '~l atnhte seed, cultivate, propagate, gmft, bud,f&mest, eta. Our indivijusl gardens this year am the best we hwe ever had. In fact, the 2,500 acres of Cbiloeoo's &st Inn). i~.tlllr y i l r uric vnt gatden, so to speak. Pou.rde SrB0c.1, Ol . l u l c~r o ..-I n teaching ~w~ e u l ~mu rr aa m cnmying out rho work pw-scrihzd in tllr connc oi atudr. I.'acl, rltild ill the svl~ool. even to the slnallest wt. llaa his school garden, the size of the"garden commonding with the m of the pupil and his ability ." " (').~!,rrtS,uc. tool, O1:LJlornn.-It a plnnwd to instnlct ou a laver scale than \ v a ~d one last ?.rat. m srhoulgnrden n.urk, and a plat of 25 sews i rer as~dof ur rlns purpose, whirl,, after Lwue ~ l o n r da nd hnrruaad. will be suhdiviclrtl into smsllrr vlatr. earl, iluo11 binc s,ipled "nF, nrsd they mill b ~t,a ttg1.t to plnnt (la. wnl, thin and riltivbtc> titc'plintr, et< Ampoho SVB<>~O,l~.lo, B,,ma -l'll>r ear plan* Imvr hwn mndo to cu~lductt wo gardeni, on* a! about 5 ) auws-n geurmlpitrjrlr ro hc worked under t1.c inst~ucriono f rhr farnrcr. |