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Show COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. Oil and gas--Continued. Johnstone Oil and Gas Co-. Moore, Clint --.----------- Hoffman, William H ._-_--- George A. Murphy-.------- Campbell, Herbert C ------- Roth-Argue, Maire Brother% Oil Co Butler & Johnstone ._-..--- Upham, Willard S .__-_.--- Corydou Oil and Gas a~--- Clark, Lee--.------------- Haiser, Romaine --..--.-.. Vanderventer, Algernon F-- Caon Creek 011 and Gas Co- Fleming, James A .-------- Bates, Florence E ---.--.-- Truskett & S t John -..-.-- Newton Oil and Gas Go..-. Sand Creek Oil and Gas Co- Blair, J. Wesley .--..------ Holmes, Benjamln F -_---- Johnstone, William -------- Lamberton, William J----- Petra Oil Co ---------..--- Child~, Albert W ---.--..-.. Ochelata Gas, Oil, and Mln-era1 Go---------.--.---- Smallwood & Smallwood--. Bleeder, Edwin -_-..--.---- Clark, Edgar W--------.-- Bartlett & Smith ---..----. Hobman, Lewis E .--.-..-- Cherokee Development Co-- Butler, Marion ---.--..-..- American Oil and Gas Co-. George A. Foreman -----.-- Test 011 Co --.-----.------ Butte, George C .---------- Summit Oil and Gas Co..-- Parsons Crude Oil and De-velopment Co --..--.---- Salt Creek 011 Co ---------- Elmendaro Oil and Gas Co. 'Verdigris Oil and Develop ment Go--.------------- AIluwe 011 Co ------------ Requa & Requa --.--.----- Ettie 011 and Gas Ox----- Crane, Cyrus S ---.--.----- Laderer, Jacob F ---------- Chelsea Oil and Gaa Go.--- Dewey Oil and Gas &----- Cudahy, Joseph Bl --------- Oil and gas--Continued. Ohio and Indiana Oil Go..- Elnk & Cline ..--.--------- Bartles & Brent_ William Keeler Oil Co----- Barnsdall, Theodore N----- Carothers, Shryock & Brest- Creek and Indiana Develop ment Co---_------------ Barber, Herbert A --------- Blg Injun Oil and Gas Co-. Verdigris Oil and Gas Co--- Barnes Investment Go----.. Cowles, La Monte .-------- Rltts, John B ------------. Brldgeman & Haner ------. Verdigris Valley Oil and Gas co .._-._.__-.---------- Snyder, George P .-------.. Cherokee National Oil and Gas Cow-------.-----.--- Mounts Oil, Gas, and Min-eral Co --.--.--.--.------ Hochstetter, Gunsburg & Haa8all..-.---.--------- Unfon Oil, Gas, and Mining co .--..-.-..-..-------- Harlow, mank ------.--.-.. O'Neil, James .--..--.----.. Delaware Indtan 011 Go---- Deiaware-Cherokee Oil Co - Potter, H. Staples --..-..-- Cherokee-Chickasaw Devel-opment Co --.--.--.--.... Albert Gottlleh ---.--.--.-- Sheets, Jason C .....-.---- Miliiken Oil Co --------.-- MeDonell, Alexander T .--- Royal Victor Oil and Gas co --.--.--.--.--.--2--- Smiley & Hall -__.-------_ Haleell, Hochstetter & Guns-burg.-----..--.--------- St. John, George F -------- Boyd, Linnaes C .--.-----.. Stubbs, James E ---.-.---- Empire Oil, Gas, and Min-ing co-----------------. Bartles, Jacob H ------.--- Wheeler & Clark .-_------- Graham, Jessie --------..-. Rlder & Rittsershacher ---- Lewfs, Arthur W ------.--- Wiser, Clinton B .-----.--- |