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Show 58 REPORTS OF TBE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. The act making appropriations for the current and contingent ex-penses of the Indian Department and for fulfilling treaty stipula-tions with various Indian tribes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1906, contained appropriations amounting in the aggregate to $7,922,- 014.34. The aggregata of appropriations contained in the Indian bill for 1905, as shown by the report for 1904, was $9,853,480.75. The objects of the appropriations for the last two years were as shown by the following table: Appropriations contained in the Indtan appropriation act for the @cat years 1905 and 1906. I 1805. ( 1908. - Carrent snd contingent expenses ................................... W 4W.W filrning t-ty stipnlanons .......................................... 3,514'285.85 Miecellsneoos svpporta (grstolties) ................................. 510'030. w lnddentalex rims 768m.w upp port of BC~~~~~.:::TI::::T:::::III:::::II:~:~~~:: 8 ~ R1I4 0 . ~ Misoellirneous ......................................................... 1:0&1:154.90 Ke ,m consolidated iond ................................................-.... ........ Total ........................................................... 1 9,853,L80.75 1 Appropriations for the Indian Service were also made by the other acts, as follows: Appropriations made by deflctency and other acts, for 1905 and 1906. Adding these two tables together we have the total appropriations for the two years, as follows: Cnrrentsnd contingent pp-88 .......................................... FulnUins treaty stipnlat~om. nB.nB............... ......................................... miscellaneous support (grstolt1es) .......................................... Incidentals. ................................................................... Snmort of sahmls ............................................................ ~iso~llanw..w... ... .... .............................................. Total .................................................................... Totad apim#at&nw fa the In&* #mice for the pscaZ yews 1905 and 1906. Total ........................................ ..................... 8,918,824.68 1 8,1£3,318.46 1805. -- $l,m.W 343.84 8,WO.M 1 030.m &m.m 65,343.84 1908. ............ $I45,030.W ............ ............ ............ --@~,288.1 1 201,998.U |