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Show 18 REPORTS OF THE DEPBTMENT OF THX INTERIOR. at a special letting for the purpose in San Francisco. In 1903 the beef, flour, etc., for the agencies theretofore excepted were included in the general call, and this year the subsistence articles heretofore bought in San Francisco were also included, so that bids for all sub-sistence were opened at one time and in one place. It is believed that this idea can be carried further with advantage. The ideal plan would be to have one letting at one time and in one place for everything. The chief difficulty in the way is the need of submitting samples, some of which, like agricultural implements, ' wagons, stoves, harness, furniture and other wooden ware are so bulky that it would be a hardship to compel bidders to send them from one extreme of the country to another with their bids. Still, a great majority of the samples are small, and it would be compara-tively inexpensive to send them anywhere. As it is now, excluding Washington, bids are opened at four different places on four different dates. These might with advantage be reduced to two-one in the eastern or central part of the country for most of the articles, and the other in the extreme West for a few classes of goods, the samples of which it would be impracticable to send far. The method of receiving and shipping goods need not be greatly changed. Goods now are received and shipped from New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Sioux City, Kansas City, St. Paul, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and occasionally from other points. In many instances they are inspected and shipped direct from the factory. To have a single letting for the same articles would save valuable time and avoid the making of some contracts. It would bring all bidders to the same level and bring all samples into just comparison. It would insure uniformity in the selection of goods, and it would uu-doubtedly encourage wider competition. Under this plan, of course, bidders would have the same privileges of bidding and the same option of delivery at one or all of these points as they have now. IMPROVEMENT OF CONTRACT SUPPLIES. So marked improvements have been made in recent years in the quality of goods bought under contract for schools and agency sup. plies in the Indian field service that it seems almost invidious to call attention to any instituted during the current season; but one or two points seem to demand passing notice. . It had been a cause of discouragement and complaint among the physicians at remote stations that the medical supplies furnished to them were not abreast of the times. Certain remedial preparations which had come into common use in private practice were not on the Indian Office list, whereas many antiquated forms of standard drugs |