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Show 890 APPENDIX P.- BOTAKT. ligulati; ligula oblonga, apice tridentata. Flores- disci hermaphroditi 4-^ entati. Styli rami lineares, appendice elongato- lanceolata ter-ttunati* Aoh^ uia radii et disci conformia. Pappus uniaristatua; arista scabra oorolla breviore; squamulss, nulled, suffriitices < e basi ramosissimi. Folia opposita, vel alterna, ovata petiolata den-tata vel sublobata. Pedunculi terminales, elopgati, monocephali. Flores lutei. M. 8TANSBUEiA5A, Torr.- Crevices of limestpne rocks on Stana- \ bury's Island," Salt Lake. Fl. Juue 26. The lower part of the stem is thick and ligneous, but the branches are herbaceous. Th& se are about a span high and are minutely glandular- pubescent. The leaves are scarcely half an inch in diameter, broadly ovfcte, or almost orbicular in outline, often subcor-date at the base, with a few coarse, obtuse teeth, or almost lobed; the lower ones mostly opposite, but the upper ones often alternate. Heads' 6- 8 lines in diameter. Scales of the involucre in two or. three series lanceolate, acute, glandularly puberulous, somewhat villous at the tip. Rays 6- 10; the limb longer than the tubp, and nearly twice as long as the involucral scales, • Disk flowers constantly 4- toothed in all my specimens. Aohenium obo-vate- oblong, compressed, slightly hispid- ciliate on the margin, crowned with a single rigid, upwardly scabrous bristle. This genus is nearly related to PerityU of Bentham ( Bot. Sulph. p. 23,) but difibrs in the absence of tquamellse on the achenium; the pappus consisting of a single bristle. A secohd species easts in Lindheimer's Texan collection of 1850, ( No. 814.) Plate VI. Menotfhriz itansburiana, of the natural size. Fig, 1, a leat Fig. 2, A head of flowers. Fig. 8, an involucrum laid open,, the flowers removed to show the receptacle. Fig. 4, the same divided longitudinally. Fig. 5, an inner and an outer scale of the involucrum. Fig. 6, a ray flower, Fig. 7, a disk flower. Fig. 8, corolla of the. disk flower laid open.' Fig. 9, branches of the style and their appendages. OHENACTIS STBVIOIDBS, Hook, and Arn.; Torr. and Gray, FL 2, p. 871.- Strong's Knob* Salt Lake, June 10. Several of the ray flowers have the corolla dilated, but the lobes still nearly equal, and,' tfs is the pappus, considerably shorter than in the disk flowers. 0. tenuifolia of Nutt. ig scarcely distinct from this species. G. AcmiXfcfiFOMA, Hook, and Am.; Torr. and Gray, FL 1. a- Stansbury'? Island, June 20. Stems about a span high, several |