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Show 3 4 6 APPRNP1X C. » - REPTILES. oeed three or four oonical and acute scales; the . fiotfterior pectoral fold is provided along its margin with a row of large, Smooth, and subquadrangular scales. The anterior and upper surfaee of the locomotive members are covered with scales & early of the same size of those of/ the belly, but carinated and a little'narrower posteriorly. Scales, similar to those of the belly, . extend on the lower . part of the hind legs, are somewhat larger, especially on the anterior margin/ The toes are slender and terminated by short, pointed, and slightly recurved uails^ The small scales which eover the middle region of the back, from the anterior limbs to- the origin of thd tail, are somewhat longer than those of the occiput juid sides from the ear to the hind limbs. The posterior part of the thigh and groins are covered with minute scales similar to. those of. the sides' of the body. The largest scales are seen on the tail, as already observed; they are verticUlated and strongly carinated* . The colour below is. uniform greenish- yellow, except under the head; where the- green predominates, intermingled with, brownish, narrow bands. Above it is blackish- brown, marbled with greenish-yellow, or Whitish- yellow irregular dots. Sometimes a double xow of dorsal patches of a deeper black may be seen along the back in some individuals, recalling to mind a similar distribution df colour: in Sceloporus icalarisy S. graciosus, and Hotbrookia maculata. This species is from the valley of the Great Salt Lake, where it was collected by Captain Howard Stansbury; in remembrance oC whose services to the country and to science we have designated it under the name which it How bears. SCELOPOBUS GRACI08U8, Baird and Girard. Pi* V. Fio. 1- 4. 6PIO. CHAJL- Head auttoonical; scales of the back* proportiknalty large; fail of ttedKum aike, slender and eonlpaL Thia small and. graceful species has a ranch greater affinity with the Mexican Seeloperus % cqlaru than with S. undulatu* of the United States. The most striking character, as compared with & $ calari$ y consists in the marked difference in size between the scales of the back and those of the base of the„ tfuL The latter is proportionally, longer than in & $ eat^ risf and shorter than in & undulaliu, The body of our species is subcylindrical, and rather abort; the specimen figured being a female, the abdomen is regre- |