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Show 876 APPENDIX C.- INSECTS. upon each side of the middle, a second line of three exterior to these, ( two placed opposite the interstices pf the posterior three, and the third at the posterior margin,) a third row of three or' four exterior to the lattery followed by a single puncture in the lateral angle: there are also several marginal punctures posteriorly. Scutel flat, oblong, triangular, with piliferous punctures. Elytra longer than the prothorax, widest posteriorly, and rather Wider than long; black with piliferous punctures, lateral margin yellowish brown, hair yellowish upon* the disk, and fulvous upon the lateral margin. Wings fuliginous irised. Tergum, under parts jtnd feet with piliferous punctures. Length, six lines. A single specimen collected by Mr. Kern, of which the antennae are broken. NECROPHOBIA OBSCURUS, Kirby. Fauna Bor. Amer. p. 97.- Valley of Great Salt Lake. ELEODES COGNATA, , Hald. Colour, size, and markings as in E. eztricata, but the puncture ing is much finer, And that of the pronotum more sparse., The elytra have distant, minute elevated points, ( some of them connected with the punctures,) which are more evident posteriorly. Valley of the Great Salt Lake. ELEODES OBSCUBA, Say. * Two specimens in Captain Stansbury's collection. NVCTOBATES ( IPHTHINUS) INTERMEDIA, Hald. Allied to ,2V. barbata, Enoch ( Tenebrio) NeueBeytraege, p. 166, fig. ($ triato- pun4tatu* y D^ jean, Catalogue, p. 225) and siinilarly barbate with fulvous hair. Punctures of the head larger and more crowded ( especially upon the vertex.) Pronotum with the • sides more, rounded and the surface more coarsely punctured. Surface of the elytra minutely but more distinctly punctured, and the nine lines of punctures less distinct than in N. barbata. This species agrees in size and colour with JV. barbata, and in distinctness of the lines of punctures upon the elytra it stands between that species and J\ 21 penn$ ylvanica, Western Texas. ZOPHERUS VARIOLOSUS, Sturm. Described from Mexican specimens; is found at Fort Gates. |