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Show 82d APPENDIX C.- BIRDS. word seen. Occurs in large flocks throughout thd whole interior of North America. . Length of a female .... 46 inches. Extent . 76} " Legs, bill, and feet, black; eyea, orange. Male, 41 by 69. 15. BOTAUEUS LENTIGINOSUS, Montagu.- Bittern. Ardta Untigtnota, Mont Orn. Diet SnppL 1818.- Rich. F. B. A. II. 874.- Nnti Man. II. 60;- And. Syn. 268. Ardta minor, Wila. Am. Orn. VIII. 85, pi. 66, fig. % ( 1814).- And. Biog. IV. 2969 pl. 887. This bird appears to be a great wanderer. Although an exceed* ingly fare visitant in Europe, the species was first described from a specimen shot in Ireland. It occurs throughout the United States, West Indies, California, and the fur countries up to lat. 58°. 16. NUMENIUS LONGIROSTRIS, Wils.-^ Long- billed Curlew. Nummmt longirttru, Wife. Am. Orn. Vm. 28, pL 64, flg. 4 ( 1824).- And. Biog. 240, pL 281. A specimen was shot on Antelope Island. The species occurs abundantly throughout the interior of this country, along the Mis* squri, and on the prairies. Common also in New Mexico and California. 17. SYMPHBMIA SEMIPALMATA, Hart.- Willet. Seokjxa tenupatmata, 0m. I. 669, 88.- WDt. Am. Orn. VIE. 27, pL 66. Totantu amfralmatiu, Rich. F. B. A. IL 888, pL 67- And. Biog. IV. 610, pL 274. Catoptrophoru* lemtpalmatut, Bp. Syn. 828 ( 1828). fymphmia atiantka, Bat Jour, de Phya. TOI. 88, p. 417 ( 1819). Shot on Salt Lake. Common both on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. 18. RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA, Gm.- Avoset. JUcurviroitra americana, 0m. 698, 2.- And. Biog. 17.168, pL 818. Salt Lake, March, I860. Not noticed on the coast of the Pa-i i |