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Show APPSNDK C.^ OTSHCTS. 871 two, the intertnediate ones being evanescent. In the former, the fir » t and second { from the fold) unite at the margin, but in the latler, the evanescent line representing Jh § secQiid reaches th* margin parallel to the firs) nervnre, ORTHOPTERA. Robust, dull brown, beneath yellowish; head rough, antennae deep* set, filiform, shorter than the pronotum, inserted opposite the' lower canthus of the eyes; upon each, aide of a double vertical frontal carina; labrum transverse, and with the palpi flavous. • Pronotum ample, coarsely scabrous, blackish, changing to yellowish posteriorly; elytra, and wings rudimentary, the fpraer gray, mottled with black. Inside of the posterior femora and tibiae black, the former interrupted near the apex. The posterior tibiae have a row of- spines upon each above. Length fifteen, antennae six, pronotum seven, width faifr and a- half, elytra jfour, posterior femora seven, and tifciw seven lines. Chihuahua, tiSpiPODA CQRALXJPBS, Hald. PL. X. VIQ: 2. Yellowish^ gray^ conspicuously varied with brown, mostly in biotehtes, and upon the elytra and exterior side of the posterior \ femora. Vertex and pronotum scabrous and dark brown, the latter marginedv with flavous, its surface nearly fiat, and the medial line but little raised. Angle of the elytra marked with a yellow line; a narrow line upon the internal margin, Wings brightlyello^, margined with black. Inside of the posterior femora, tibiae and tarsi, bright vermilion, a paler tint extending to the outside of the tarsi and lower half of the tibiae. Length twenty- four lines, ( two and a- half inches,) pronotum five, posterior femora ten, and tibiae nine lines. " This fide large grasshopper is . probably the spfteies, which has been destructive to vegetation in the Valley of the Great Salt > Lake. It is nearly as large as the destructive ( Edipoda migrar toria, ( with which it is congeneric.) The last- named species is known under the English name of migratory locust. |