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Show Donation of half a fanega of corn Lorenzo Rodriguez. May 2, anes land in the lands of Maria de Tapia. 1704. Juan de Mestas. Grant of the San Buenaventura rancho : coe : by Don Pedro Rodriguez Cubero. Grant at or near December 9. Diego Marquez de Ayala. Santa Fe by Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon. March 11, 1713. Francisco Martin. Grant on the south side of the Rio de Santa Fe by Don Pedro Rodriguez Cubero. March Maria Zapata. Grant by Diego 6, 1703. de Vargas to Captain José Telles Jiron and confirmed to her husband, Captain Diego de Medina, by Don Pedro Rodriguez Cubero, December 28, 1698. The grant comprises three tracts, one at Santa Fe, one called San Martin, on the Rio del Norte, and one called San Pablo. Testimonio of grant by the MarAna Maria Romero. On November 27, 1703. qués de la Nava Brazinas. October 1, 1699, Maria Cabello made donation of this tract to Pedro de Abila. Sebastian Martin, captain. Penuela, May Grant by the Marqués de la 23, 1712, confirming that made by the Mar- ERS ES Rae ee ci on io cee ee ee | PEEPS i PL ng BS Ai hah° PasPeh Ee iserePara res PET he Fe PtP bl Lome Leu. me ear ee) oF PS Nee ta, Pee ee ee vette 4 bel be me 9.6 = 809 aha Past, bw Oraowwe PL PW> god +3 Pere ee ee eee Pe PON ae: re a oi ee of of land called San Isidro, between Cuyamungue red wer 4:48 6-924 58S ee ee| eeed | 72.0 7¢. re | # ee} oe <9 + 859 ee EEL PP et eer eee 7 ibLee Ped Te) ET 33 Lon LS PEILP Reet and Ja- cona, November 27, 1699, by Don Pedro Rodriguez CuSold by him to Sebastian de Cansua, son-in-law of bero. Anaya, it having belonged to Maria de Anaya, his wife. Grant of house and lands in Ignacio de Roibal, captain. Santa Fe by Don Pedro Rodriguez Cubero, February 15, 1698. Grant, the place of Jacona, the surplus of the grant to Captain Jacinto Pelaez, by Don Pedro Rodriguez Cubero, October 2, 1702. Grant of a piece of land, which, before the revolution, Robbelonged to the maestro de campo, Francisco Gomez The land consisted of five fanegas of wheat land, ledo. about a quarter of a league below the city of Santa Fe. Grant made by Don Pedro Rodriguez Cubero, May 4, 1698. Grant of half a fanega of corn land by Mateo Trujillo. Nava de Brazinas, April 7, 1699, to la de Marqués the Getrudis de Barrera y Sandoval. Situate in the jurisdiction of the Cafiada. Sold to Trujillo by the grantee. Also side a grant of agricultural and pasture land on the other of the Rio del Norte between Santa Clara and San Ildefonzo, November 29, 1700. He also presented a grant madeto 1698, by Don Pedro Rodriguez Cubero, on October 6, on Juan de la Mora Pineda, at a place called Las Cuevas, the Cafiada Nueva. de San Cristoval in the jurisdiction of Villa . Cabildo ee the Sere. Ph of <As follows: 1715. Santa Fe. ARCHIVES Par of INVENTORY eee 1136 re toda propiedad rural con el nombre de hacienda, rancho, huerta i otro nombre semajante, cualquiera que sea su ubicacion dentro 6 fuera de las poblaciones, con casa 6 sin ella cuyas frutas pertenescan 4 la agricultura, ecepto aquellas sitios en poblado que se cultiven por mero recreo, sin especial utilidad del propietario.’’ rane la ley de 5 de Julio iltimo, se comprende ae en ‘‘Bajo la denominacion de fincas risticas 4 que se contrae ee eee) ee et ee a PPA 3 pioneer ee ee PoP iP ol ok et oe ee ae * ae ao eed SA * ¢-@ 7 Sieh pa OO PS Ld o-2 6-8 atate ee 0ts O-8 9-0 ee ae ee ee ae 96-060 "soe are ee ‘‘finca term ; an a the defining Grant by Don Pedro Rodriguez eee 1135 PRINTED COPY of law rustica,’’? Mexico, 1836. José Trujillo, captain. Cubero, December 29, 1700. Lands formerly belonging to Francisco Jimenez and Ambrosio Saenz. Situate at the Mesa of San Ildefonso, Grant by the same on April 23, 1700, of pasture lands in the jurisdiction of the Villa Nueva de la Santa Cruz. Grant by Don Francisco Cuerbo Small spring on the road bey Valdez, May 23, 1707. tween Nambé and the Villa Nueva de Santa Cruz de la Canada. Tract of [Torn to pieces.] Grant. Juan Trujillo. land near the Pojoaque river, sold to him by Sebastian de Testimonio of sale made on October 19, 1701. Salas. Juan Trujillo. Grant to Francisco de Anaya of a tract ¢-4# 1134 FRAGMENT of Proceedings of the Departmental Assembly. No date. * * oe to # the same ¢ Letter of Alejo Garcia Conde, transmitting the Governor of New Mexico. 1821. qués de la Nava de Brazinas. Situate between San Juan and Embudo. Petronila Cubero. Grant by Don Pedro Rodriguez Cubero, May 10, 1700. Diego Duran. Grant of house and lot by Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon; also a tract of agricultural land, both situate in Santa Fe. August 29, 1713. ** 1133 PRINTED COPY of the Royal Order of 1813 in the matter of reducing the public lands to private ownership. 331 a THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO re.ee/oe THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO + 330 |