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Show THE SPANISH ARCHIVES THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO OF NEW MEXICO pueblos to These Piros were not invited by the northern de varios other land( nearer the pueblo; that this occurred in 1 wincoabsine! sdomrnees by permission of the Spanish so, et his tribal relations and became a Spanish ver ed , The dispute about the land arose in 1815, wh aba of Santa Clara objected to the pai an a . to be Spanish citizens remaining within the oe ne oo eee and occupying lands there rnor Alberto Maynez decided inf f and some of the Indians wh o claimed toepbe geSpanish ) citi tie enehlte zens and to have a right to the 1 and inA dispute, not ca Mies cer actihat RB aay Pay their eraridththes but Be ie y had occupied it long enough to ‘ac uire ti : Ap agate made as many as three ttipa on “fs monet _ to lay the matter before the commanda ae : : a was finally settled by their surrendering ie, e i f dead oh bfio ; ’ ae etd Ce Cs ie A ‘ Pi iad ¥ : ¢ Sa ee SS Ot et er ee ee es ee . . E; ‘ y . 4.94.0 : 3 eta * oe ae i ie mt PLA Pa ee Pe et et ee te Pt cmd C re tl ee eS ee ON Sl REN ae a MMIII ee el el et ee re, et ORG en Pa -e-e ae: el ad - 4 7-7? ee ees os ae f; be “0-4-0 i PSST 0. 2 y t | . ne AT Peonls ernor. Claim No. 95. : Ofte gave the name to the pueblo. jj He in mote old ’s time. h ruin there, which was inhabited ; of Sevilleta was. destroyed in wars with oc In the varie ee to Fr.. Benavides, Memorial, p. 16. re-settled and a church dedicated to San Luis Obi ispo,tt Was was built. This was the headquarters 216 URSULA “a 218 ANTONIO Says of the place: ‘‘Y le habitan tres de Garcia— asolado.’’folioAlonzo esta Disculpa, pr 8, hoy en Autos presentados 45, says: ‘‘Y habiendome fueron siguiendo hasta y me con pueblo,y otros del Socorro » que unos, de nacion Piros.’’ el CHAVEZ, of Belen. These papers contain a reference q. v. lle a oc Pueblo de Sevilleta donde hallé 4 los ade Saetdetonin - 0 pueblo quietos y pacificos al paracer, 1821. The place called ‘¢ Arroyo de Petition for lands, 1825. North, the Mesita del Ala: aries Bound San Lorenzo.’? Garcia; east, El Rio del Pablo de millo; south, Rancho Before the Territorial Jara. Norte; west, el ojo de la this petition was granted 1825, 3, March On . Deputation by the deputation. to the Socorro Grant, In 1680, at the time of the driving bol one, of Las Padillas, vs. JOAQUIN 217 IDEM, gq. v. the inhabitants paniards, this was a very small place, and Veae the Spaniards to El Paso. taneurt Su familia CHAVES, PINO. name of ‘“‘El Rito.’’ Question of a rancho by the Governor. Melgares, Facundo Before Don of a missi time of the Beso eotion: was the most northerly at that out of heetements. San José de las in the matter of a Complaint against Francisco Miera diction of Las Huertract of land at San Francisco, juris Governor. tas. Before Don Facundo Melgares, Three loose papers relating to RANCHO pz CUBERO. pueblos of San Felipe and the een betw te situa a rancho andez and José Alexandro Fern ago Santi ngo. Santo Domi Facundo Melgares, GovDon e Befor Quintana, claimants. It Piro aS place and called it ‘‘New Seville.’’ was a er a ia Onate also mentions a pueblo sixteen about where Sabinal of today on is located ; ti Se aeee hd A. 915 MARIA pe 1a LUZ CANDELARI Huertas, 1820. OF CEVILLETA. Reported D i A e 214 TOWN ° 2. 050-8 a-0 o Of pe eeepd sad dl ae} pe ret es i PPPs) ree. Ptr ? ios participate in the uprising; see Interrogator de palmilla, mecate Indios, 1681, folio 125: “‘Que cogio un icaban los dias que y marando en el unos nudos, que signif , lo despacho por faltaban, para la egecucion de la tracion que quedase en sin Isleta la de el hasta s pueblo los todos de los Piros.”’ todo el reyno, mas que el de la nacion in 1819, with an made was Grant Land The Sevilleta ved by the surappro was claim the area of 224,770 acres; It was confirmed to Felipe Peralta veyor-general in 1874. claims, the area being et al. by the court of private land 261,187.90 acres. land. 0 the pueblo, and being permitted to take u , or residence wherever they saw fit e arguments advanced by the liti i their several contentions are quite ile i Clara Santa of The pueblo iroe eferred toga de Santa Clara de los Oubal 79 219 INHABITANTS OF LA CANADA. e on lands near the pueblo Permission given them to settl Deputation. May 2, 1829. l toria Terri the by of Picuriés, |