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Show referred to the corporation of Santa Fe, at that time composed of the following: Matias Ortiz, Antonio Ortiz, Manuel Gallegos, Juan de Dios Sena, Ignacio Ortiz, Manuel Delgado, Juan Esteban Pino, Francisco Ortiz, Felipe Sandoval, Francisco Ortiz, Jr., and Francisco Montoya, Cristobal Ma. was secretary. The ‘‘Ojito de las Ruedas’’ and ‘‘ El Qusano’’ are prominent places mentioned in the papers on file; these JOSEPH MANUEL TRUJILLO. Will San Joseph de Chama. 1770-1785. Proceedings in the administration of his estate, ete. Juan Bautista de Anza, Governor. The town of Chamita had a grant. Reported No. 36. File No. 64, which lies west of the Rio del Norte and almost entirely within the boundaries of the grant to the pueblo of San Juan. It was confirmed June 21, 1860, but In the matter of title to a certain rancho. de la Mora, Alcalde. Manuel Garcia 1003 MANUEL THENORIO pz ALVA vs. Heirs of Juan Domingo Romero. Santa Fe. 1810. 1004 1005 In the matter of a piece of land in the Cienega. Manrique, Governor. Bartolomé Fernandez. HEIRS OF CHRISTOBAL TORRES vs. Tgnacio, Juan Lorenzo and Rosalia Valdez . No date. Protest against grant of land at Chama. No action. FRANCISCO TRUXILLO, Bartolomé Marquéz, and Diego Padilla. Petition for lands on the Pecos. No action. 1813. _ This is the Los Trigos Land Grant. The original petition was addressed to the governor of New Mexico, May 26, 1814, Don José Manrique. The petitioners asked for a tract of uncultivated land situate in the place called Los Trigos, as far ag El Gusano, indep enden of the Indians of the pueblo of Pecos. t of the league The matter was seventeenth century. There an ‘‘Arroyo rE ee is also first de of the hos- who killed a prominent Mexican, Villanueva, 66260-6026.) Vincente named because 24 04 6 94g that in 1822 the place was abandoned tilities of the Apaches father- of Sabinal and 1801. of the Las Ruedas’’ which empties into the Rio Pecos. Don Domingo Fernandez is authority for the statement in-law, Paulin Montoya, ete. Papers incomplete. Miguel Canelas, Comandante Accidental y Capitan Graduado de este Real Presidio. 1002 JOSEPH and MARIANO TRUXILLO Abiquiu, vs. Adauto Isidro Fresquis. time aL=o Oe PePObl PCED Pt Ee EES the de Xemes, near Las Ruedas. The first man to cultivate lands at Los Trigos was Don Mariano Casados. 1006 95829 her in the FRANCISCO TRUJILLO. Manrique, Governor. Manuel Garcia de la Mora, Alcalde. Marcos Delgado, Secretary of the Ayuntamiento of Abiquit. This paper is not complete. 1007 FRANCISCO TRUJILLO. 4 by occupied ee re * PEt PROT EASE wsesinones~ese sold to defendant undoubtedly a a ee! Pe ee ne eT ee eS * + MPO LohPA StkMAN MT et Sere ’ £88.. 9¢8 ote eS atSLe oo Alt SP FP be ed of lands of the Vallecito 1794. were Spanish explorers, as these names have come down from Part of 1006. No final action. 1008 IGNACIO Grant. 1009 TOWN TAFOYA and others. Reported Claim No. 96. 1819. Cafon de Carnuel. OF TECOLOTE. Grant, 1824. Reported Claim No. 7. The citizen, Salvador Montoya, made grant saying that he had petition for this no lands wherein to ‘‘seatter a few grains of corn and other seed for my support and that of the large family which I have.’’ This petition was filed with the constitutional justice at San Miguel del Bado, Don Diego Padilla, October 8, 1824. The alcalde thought the petition ‘‘rigorously just’’ and sent the same to the Territorial Deputation, that body at the time being composed of the following: Bartolomé Baca, presi- dent; and the Sefiores Antonio Pedro Bautista Pino, Matias Ortiz, Pedro José Perea, Ortiz and Juan Bautista totatetetssy they 5 es eee oe yee mee oor eee ee oe oe et t td ek a he eee ee a ee ee ee ead Pk PP ae ee ek ek oe * 2-¢ "9, * Pe Pe cee pk Se oe pee ee Sie ila te | ne Tt ae ee Sb nr | pet ede ee ‘ot tO 796: 0458-8 0-8 ipa ee re el Pe vs. Bautista Gonzales. In the matter were both the sites of old pueblos, the ruins of which may still be seen, consisting today of covered mounds of earth; patented. TRUXILLO, Wise! 5k BARBARA " ~ Ue has not been 1001 Santa 297 EE 1000 CARLOS FERNANDEZ to Vincente Troncoso. Fe. 1786. House in said city. Antonio José Ortiz, Alealde. THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO Se A ee 999 THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO <i 296 i | 1? |