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Show All the Variables & Other Love Stories 77 years-old, unemployed, a college dropout, and his mom had been very patient with him thus far. He understood her tolerance was not entirely philanthropic, since she knew as well as he did that if she kicked him out he would move back in with his father, who would verbally abuse him, in South Jordan. She ardently believed Anthony's father was bad for Anthony's self-esteem. Anthony balked at this analysis since it seemed to suggest he was a mere product of his father and had no free will to speak of, but he held his protest in check since he figured his mother was probably right. Had it not been for his father, she insisted, Anthony would have a job and a degree and maybe a girlfriend instead of a Rumblefish fretless electric bass guitar and membership in Vagina Dentata, a bad-a very bad-grindcore band. Distortion and screaming and blastbeats. "The scarier you try to be, the sillier you seem," Anthony's mom had said. "Go ahead," Anthony had fumed, "prove your ignorance. I don't mind." Dieslrae The party was the weekend of the Rachmaninoff exhibit at Abravenal Hall. The Utah Symphony Orchestra had on tour the original handwritten score of Sergei Rachmaninoff's first symphony. The manuscript was endorsed further by a complete record of provenance that accounted for the symphony's whereabouts after Rachmaninoff had lost it until its discovery a few years ago in the archives of the Russian Conservatory. The celebration included renowned conductor Keith Lockhart leading the orchestra through a repertoire of Rachmaninoff s highlights, including excerpts from the first and third symphonies, The Bells, and Rhapsody on a Theme ofPaganini. None of this would have mattered much to Anthony except that Kellen-his best friend and guitar player and |